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You were at the convenience store as of now with Mikey. You finished the snacks at home so you and Mikey went grocery shopping. Mikey was against you going out of the house but you convinced him saying that it was boring as hell at home. You were at the fruits section and Mikey at the snacks section. You got lost when you were looking around. When you heard a familiar name.

"Kazutora, it's time." You look back to see a guy your age with yellow streaks of highlights on his hair. He was with a couple of guys near you buying something as you got a flashback.


You (14 years) were at home with your father preparing dinner when your dad got a call from the Sano family. Your father's voice was laced with panic and worry. Seeing his distressed form you asked you father what was wrong.

"Shinichiro's shop got rob by two kids. He got hit in the head and his surgery in going on. They said the two kids got arrested. I'll explain the rest on the way. Get ready we've to go to the hospital." Your father was running around searching for his car key. You were frozen on your place, Shinichiro was like a big brother to you. Bad feelings were creeping on your heart when you heard about surgery and the two kids.

Upon reaching the hospital you followed your father to the waiting room. Mikey, Emma and Granpa Sano were there, the air was heavy. You went towards Mikey and Emma as you hug the both of them together them returning the hug.

Emma was sobbing hard, her tears not stopping but Mikey was very quiet and he looked out of it.
"How did this happen, Manjirou? I heard that Shin-kun's shop was robbed." You ask worry lacing your tone.
"I don't know. Shin called me to come to his shop saying that he has something to show me. But when I reached the shop Baji and Kazutora were getting arrested by the police and Shin was placed in the ambulance." Mikey said his voice was cold and distant.

"Kei was there?" You asked wide-eyed as Mikey nodded his head. "Then the other boy was he friends with you and Kei?" Mikey again nodded his head to answer your question, too drained to speak up a word. You sat on the available seat beside Emma as sink the news of Baji stealing something with his friend.

Untill the surgery ended you stayed on your place hugging Emma. The surgery ended after 3-4 hours. The doctor said that Shin is in coma and when he will wake up was unknown.
You were relieved that Shinichiro was alive but also disheartened to know that he's in coma.

Baji was not put in juvenile but the kid who hit Shinichiro got a 2 year sentenced.After the incident Baji and Mikey's friendship went on but they were not so close like before. You also came to know that they were stealing a bike (CB25OT) for Mikey's birthday gift. Shinichiro stayed in comatose state for a year. He forgave Baji and Kazutora but Mikey was different he never talked about Kazutora again. The bike was given to Mikey and Shinichiro bought a car for himself.


".../n...Y/n...Y/N." You came back to your sense when you heard Mikey yelling your name.
"Hmm?" "Why were you not answering? I was worried sick." Mikey said as he hug you.
"Sorry. An old memory came up." After apologising and selecting the fruits you want you two went to the counter to pay for your things.

When you two were on your way home you saw Draken with Chifuyu and Takemichi on the park that's near the Sano house. You tap Mikey's shoulder as you pointed your finger at the three guys. Mikey and you both walked towards them, they seem startled to see you with Mikey.

"What are the three of you doing here?" Mikey ask pointing at them, his other hand carrying the grocery bags.
"Why were you not picking your phone Mikey? I have called you atleast a hundred times." Draken ask back as Mikey check his phone.
"Oh sorry. I was with Y/n doing grocery shopping." Mikey didn't sound sorry at all you just ignore him and turn to the three boys.

"How are you Y/n-chan and the baby?" Draken ask you as you took out chips from the grocery bags and opened it.
"Both mother and the baby's fit and healthy." You cheerfully said eating the chips. Draken patted your head chuckling as he excused himself and went to where Takemichi and Chifuyu were standing.
"Wait for me and don't move from here, okay? I will go talk with the guys." Mikey stated as he peck your forehead and went towards the boys.

You sath down on the vacant bench that was there and you could hear bits and pieces of their conversations. Like about Mikey's CB25OT, not forgiving Baji for siding with Kazutora, or how Mikey can't forgive Kazutora for almost killing Shinichiro.
'I guess that's the reason Kei is not visiting me.' You thought chewing your snacks as Mikey came back to you after talking with the guys.

You two reached home as Mikey placed the bags on the dining table. Emma and Shinichiro were watching TV, you joined them Mikey soon following. Mikey was silent for the whole night after the talk. He also seemed distant so you decided to give him some space. Falling asleep was hard that night. Many thoughts and uneasiness present in the air as you close your eyes ready to sleep.

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