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"I want to save you Izana." Izana froze after hearing that.
"Shut up." Izana shouted as he lifted his leg to kick Mikey which he moved a little back to evade the kick.
"You are not gonna hit me anymore." Mikey said as he punched and kicked him. Izana falled on the ground as blood flowed out of his nose and mouth.

Kakucho screamed Izana's name seeing him on the ground.
"The hell? So, ya have this much power left even after I kicked and punched you so many times. Excellent. Splendid. It's starting to get fun. Right?" Izana exclaimed as he punched Mikey which he missed and Mikey punched him instead.

"Why did you become like this?! Why can't you love your siblings?! If you had just opened your heart. Emma and I would've happily accepted you. Why Izana?!!!" Mikey shouted.
"Shut uuup!!" Izana stood up and ran to Mikey with his fist raised and tried punching Mikey but Mikey was faster and landed his punch on his face.

"Shinichiro. Emma. Y/n. Why are you on his side?" Izana murmured as he look at Mikey with wide eyes.
"You lose, Izana." Mikey whispered and it seems to anger Izana as he picked up the gun that dropped when he beat up Kisaki.

"If I even lose in this fight that means I lose everything right?" Izana said as he pointed the gun at Mikey. "Izana..."
"Die, Mikey."

"Shoot, Izana. If that'll satisfy you." Mikey muttered not wavering.
"Don't egg him on, Mikey! He's bein' serious!" Draken screamed at Mikey but Mikey just ignored him.
"What's the matter, Izana? Shoot!! Try and shoot me!!!" Mikey shouted but Izana just stood there still pointing the gun at him. Before he could do anything Kakucho slapped the gun away from his hand. Shocking everyone.

"Kakucho you bastard. What're you doing?" Izana glared at Kakucho.
"Izana that's enough, isn't it? We lost." Kakucho tried to bring back Izana to his sense but it was hopeless.
"A servent is giving his opinion to the King? Well?" Izana look at him coldly as sweats started appearing on his face. "I only fought for you. It didn't matter how twisted your ideas were. I'd happily die if it was for you. So, stop making this kind of scene. I don't wanna see you acting so pathetic!!" Kakucho shouted at him.

"Hey execs. What're you all spacing out for? Hurry up and kill this guy." Izana said his eyes lost and distant.
"Izana!!! You get it, don't you?! These guys can't beat me!!" Kakucho grabbed Izana's shoulders and shakes him. "Out of my way, servant. I can still keep on going."

"Tenjiku lost, Izana!!!" Kakucho screamed seeing that Izana was talking nonsense. "Shut uuuup!!" Izana yelled at Kakucho but froze when he heard your voice.

' Izana you should stop screaming at Kakucho.'

' If you feel frustrated then talk to me and I'll listen to your every complains. Kakucho will do the same after all you two are the best of friends.'

' He's just being shy Kakucho. But in reality he loves you very much. See. How's he is blushing.'

' I will be always with you Izana. If you'll call me out then I will come running to you. I Love You Izana and you too Kakucho.'

' If  you ever feel like you are on your own just think of me and I'll come to you. But I think it will never happen cause Kakucho will be there for you and even Shin-kun will be there.'

' Y/n you will not leave me right?'
' Yeah I would never leave you. But you have to promise me that you'll not leave me and that we'll be together forever.'
' I would never leave you Y/n and yes we'll always be together.'

" Y/n..." Izana whispered as Kakucho looked at him confusedly. "Yeah Y/n used to scold me for screaming at you. How could I forget that and ignore all our promises? No wonder she left me and married Mikey."

"You are wrong Izana." Mikey spoke up as Izana and Kakucho stare at him.
"When Y/n told me about you she was smiling so bright. I have never seen her smile like that, ever in my life. She talked about you non-stop. She told me she loves you very much but you misunderstood that love for something else. She said she felt sad when you left her without saying anything but her smiled never felled because she felt happy to see you again." Izana's eyes widened at Mikey's words.

"You said that she ignores you when she hears my name but the reality is that she always felt sad saying goodbye to you. Ofcourse she told me that. Izana come with me. Shin and Emma will accept you back. Everyone will accept you." Mikey said and Izana stared at him wide eyes and lowered his head looking at the ground.

"Mikey. It's Tenjiku's lost." Izana muttered as he look back up.
"Don't fuck around. I can say it. You don't have to say that Izana!" Kakucho shouted but Izana just look at him in the eyes and smiled gently. "Sorry Kakucho. I forgot that I have you. I forgot what Y/n told me. I forgot what Shinichiro said to me. I also didn't fulfilled the promise I made to Emma. I promised her that I will someday get her, so that we can stay together." Tears streamed down Izana's eyes shocking everyone.

"Mikey did you say that you want to save me ?" Izana whispered and Mikey stared at him with widened eyes. "If you're my brother, of course I will." Mikey said as he look at him confused.

"There was a day when by coincidence I ran into my mom who abandoned me. I was distraught. I asked her why did she abandoned me.  She said that I am not her kid. That I am her ex-husband and a Filipino woman's child. She said we are not blood related. Shinichiro knew all about it but he didn't tell me. He just said 'But, that doesn't matter, does it? Just because we're not related by blood doesn't mean something changes between us right?!' At that time I believed that blood relation was above all and went away. Leaving everyone behind." Izana said as he look at Mikey's face to see his reaction.

"" Mikey was beyond shocked to hear the truth.
"Huh? That means.." Takemichi muttered surprised like everyone else.
"That's right. I'm not a sibling to Shinichiro, you, or Emma. I'm not related to anyone at all. Well Mikey? Can you save me?"

"You are joking, right?" Inui whispered with widened eyes just as shock as everyone.

"It still doesn't change my mind to save you Izana. Shin is right. Blood related or not it doesn't change anything. You are still my brother." Izana was beyond shocked from Mikey's words and turn his back at him. "Toman can get outta here. The police is on their way. I'll take care of Kisaki."

Izana turned his head to where Kisaki and Hanma were. He was not that surprised that the two were no longer there.
"Guess the two ran away, Izana." Ran muttered as he and the other executives walked behind him.
"With everyone focusing on their fights it was expected." Kakucho sighed and he knew what orders Izana was going to give now.

"Kakucho search for Kisaki. That bastard....I'll kill him." Kakucho nodded his head and sends his men to search for Kisaki.

"Toman is getting out of here." Draken yelled and Toman started walking away. Baji tsk'ed annoyed that Kisaki had ran away. "That sneaky bastard, if I see his ugly face anywhere, this time I'll really change his face." Baji scrowled as he started walking.

Mikey also turned around to walked away but halted and look back at Izana. "I know that finding Kisaki is very important right now. Toman will also search for him but for now come to the hospital to visit Y/n."

"We are also getting out of here." Kakucho shouted as the members and the executives slowly walked away.
"Kakucho. Let's go home to freshen up. Can't let her see our bloodied faces right?" Izana said as he smile softly. Kakucho was glad from the little change but also sad that Izana will leave him alone soon. Kakucho just nodded his head and they went on their way home.

"Haha... everyone is searching for ya. Not knowing that I have already sent you to hell. Hehehe...bye bye~"

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