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Emma and Mikey were at school today since you left school and is currently home schooling, you were with Shinichiro since he took a day off from his shop as he has to take care of you. You felt guilty that because of you he has to close his shop which was not good as business must run. But Shinichiro said to not worry about it and that he wanted a rest from the shop.

"Do you wanna eat anything? I'll order it along with our lunch." Shinichiro asks while dialing a number on his cellphone.
"Yup. I want sweets." Y/n answered not taking her eyes off the movie that was playing on the TV. Shinichiro walk a little away to talk on the call as he orders their lunch. The order arrived in no time as the both of you started eating.

"Oh. I saw Inui the other day in mall." Y/n starts a small conversation now looking at Shinichiro.
"Inui? I've not heard from him for years." Shinichiro turn to you curious.
"He said that some important work came up and he was busy." Y/n continued as she focus back on her food. "After you disbanded Black Dragons and the incident with you some of them totally disappeared."    Y/n sigh sad that her friends were not in contact with her.
"I heard rumours or more like Waka and the guys told me that a new generation of Black Dragons came to power again in the past months." Shinichiro put his pointer finger at his head as he tried to recall something."I guess Inui's in the gang."

"Anyway, it's time for desserts. Here. Eat up." Shinichiro said changing the topic seeing your eyes sad as he push the box where the desserts were in. Seeing your eyes sparkle at the mention of desserts he smiled to himself.
" many. Thanks Shin-kun. You're the best big brother." You hug him and started eating the sweets, saving some for later as you focus back on the movie.

Watching movies and talking were the only thing you two did and time went by just like that. Around late afternoon the front door open and you straighten up knowing that it's Mikey and Emma.
"We're home." Mikey and Emma enter the living room to see you and Shinichiro watching movie.
"Welcome home." You both greeted back as you stood up and went to Mikey hugging him.
"Did my wife missed me that much?" Mikey kiss forehead as you nodded your head.
"Y/n am I being ignored? Where's my hug?" Emma gasped spreading her arms waiting for your hug as you chuckled and gave her a big hug as well.

"I missed you Emma." You whispered as Emma rub your back.
"I missed you too. Now sit back down, don't want momma to keep standing too long. Right?" She guide you back to the couch as the just arrived brother and sister talk with Shinichiro. You felt sleepy so you closed your eyes and slept on the couch. Mikey carried Y/n back to their bedroom and he went downstairs.

You opened your eyes to see darkness as you noted that it's night already. Mikey is sleeping peacefully beside her as she got up feeling hungry. She went to the kitchen rummaging through the counters and fridge. You took out some packets of chips and a box of ice-cream from the cooler. You sat on the stool of the kitchen and started eating the ice-cream opening the chips packets.

"Y/n? What are you doing? It's 2am you know." Your soul almost left your body from the sudden voice. You turn your head backwards to see Mikey standing in the doorway.
"Manjirou? What are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping?" Y/n asked back as she went back to eating.
"I didn't felt you beside me, so I came to search for you." Mikey sat down beside the stool from yours.
"I was hungry and craving some icecream." Y/n look at Mikey, spoon in her mouth as Mikey tucked her hair behind her ear with a soft smile.
"You should wake me up for this things honey. What if you fall down the stairs? You should be careful." Mikey takes the spoon from her and started feeding her.

"I'm always careful Manjirou. But you seem be uneasy. Care to tell me about it?" Y/n stops Mikey from feeding her as she cupped his face in her palms.
"It's nothing just something related to gang stuff." Mikey placed his hand on top of yours as he kiss your palms.
"Whether it is gang related or not. Your problems are also mine. I don't want you to hide anything from me Manjirou. I have told you this many times in the past and I'll tell you every time you seem to hide something from me." Y/n pecks his forehead as she leans her forehead on his.

"You know the Third Division Captain Kisaki, right?" Y/n nodded her head signalling him to continue talking.
"Baji told me to kick him out from the gang and I know I should but I don't have any proof of him betraying the gang or him doing anything sketchy. That day when Baji was about to kill himself and when you fainted I felt my world crumbled. The darkness that I told you about is consuming me slowly, Y/n. It's telling me to destroy everything around me. I don't know what to do anymore. I think I'm going to lose my mind." Mikey sigh and Y/n could tell that he was afraid very afraid. She embraced him as she whispers in his ear.

"You don't have to bottle up your feelings Manjirou. All you have to do is tell me everything and I'll hide you from the outside world. You can show your weak self to me Manjirou, I'll not think of you as venerable or pathetic. Manjirou all you have to do is trust me and I'll not let your darkness consume you." Mikey felt peace after venting his frustrations to you. He pulled you closer to him as he place his lips on yours. He can taste the chocolate flavour ice-cream that you were eating.

Pulling away from the kiss Mikey lifted Y/n up and went to their bedroom taking few packets of chips in his hands. Mikey layed Y/n down on the bed and lays down next to her his head on the small baby bump. He stroke the bump and started talking to it.
"Daddy's waiting for your arrival babyboy. Don't give much trouble to your Mama oky? When you will come to this world I promise I will try to become the best dad ever." You chuckle and caressed his long blonde hair.
"How do you know that it's a boy?"
"I just know~" Mikey smirks at you and you slap his face softly.

After that you don't know when you felt asleep but when you woke up you were sleeping on top of Mikey, smiling softly you closed your eyes again.

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