Chapter 5 - Secrets

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Troian's POV-
Yesterday, I admitted my feelings for Keegan to the girls. It was the first time I have said it out loud and to be honest, I feel like it's not a secret anymore. In reality, it's still a massive secret which no one can find out about.

The awkwardness has gone between me and Keegan, so I can finally feel comfortable around him, but not too comfortable otherwise my secret might slip out. I've got to be in work in an hour so I text Shay to see if she wanted to go out somewhere. Ian, Lucy and Ashley had to be in an hour before me.
Text messages
Troian- hey Shay, do you want to go out in 10 minutes?
Shay- yeah, my call time is 11:30, I'll meet you at Taco Bell?
Troian- sounds great! See you then!
I hear a car outside my apartment, I look out the window and it was Tyler. I put on my shoes and walk outside.
"Tyler, what are you doing here?" I say as I'm walking towards the car.
"I'm going to Taco Bell and I thought you would want to come!" He said excitedly. Taco Bell was Tyler's favourite place to eat.
"Me and Shay have just arranged to meet there, you can join us if you like?" I got in the car and we drove to Taco Bell. On the way there,I told Tyler about me falling for Keegan, he said that he wasn't going to tell anybody and I know I could trust him.Tyler agreed to eat with us and he said someone else was coming.
I presumed it was his friend Adam since they have been hanging out recently.
We arrived at Taco Bell to see Keegan and Shay sat down chatting.
"He's early!" Tyler started to do a girly wave a Keegan.
"I thought Adam was coming." I admitted.
"No, his flight was this morning, come on let's go and get some foooodddd!" He screamed. He locked the car and we walked inside.

Keegan's POV-
I saw Troian and Tyler come walking towards the door. Tyler told Troian what he wanted and she went up and ordered.
"She didn't tell me she arranged to meet you until I got to her house! It's a coincidence isn't it!" It was weird because it was coincidence, it was like fate brought me and Troi together. (Fate isn't real Keegan) I slap my wrist. I can possibly think that, me and Troian should be together just because we met at Taco Bell.

"I'm going to get a drink, I'll be right back." Shay left the table, she walked over to Troian and started talking to her.
"So are you going to tell her?" Tyler looked very interested and It felt like he was keeping something from me.
"Why are you so interested all of a sudden?" I get my phone out my pocket and check the time.
"I just don't want you to make a mistake in which path you take." I felt bad for talking to Tyler like that, I was being paranoid. He wouldn't keep anything from me.

"I'm not going to tell her, I don't want to embarrass myself by declaring my love for her and then she will say that she doesn't like in that kind of way, that always happens on the movies."
"But we're not in the movies keeg-" he was cut off by the girls walking back over with our food.
"What are you talking about? You can carry on your conversation we don't mind." Troian said.
"We're fine, we can carry it on later." I said trying to get off the subject.
"No, carry on! I don't want to feel like we stopped you from talking." Shay demanded.

We all started to eat and then Troian and I got called into work early.
"Bye Troian." I hugged her, then I got into my car. Troian remembered that she didn't have a car so I gave her a lift.

Shay's POV-
"Before you and Troian came, Keegan told me that he told you that he was falling Troian, is this true?" I asked Tyler.
"Yes, he told us at Ashley's, I think there something else you need to know." I had a feeling what he was going to tell me.
"Is it that Troian likes Keegan?" He lifted his head up and looked at me.
"Troian told me on the way here, I told her I wouldn't tell anyone, how do you know?"
I told him the truth about what happened in the hut. Originally, we told the boys that we needed some quiet time, so we went down there and I showed the girls how to meditate.
"So what are we going to do?" Tyler questioned.
"Nothing, we should leave them to it, they will sort it out between them selves." I wasn't going to set them up with each other because Troian doesn't know that Keegan likes her back.
"They will end up telling each other anyway." He was right.
"Two can't keep a secret, unless one of them is dead right?"

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