Chapter 8 - Wrap Party pt.1

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Troian's POV-
I've been back for a couple of weeks now and tonight is the season 6 wrap party. Keegan is picking me up at 6:30 so I have time to do my hair and makeup perfectly. I had so much fun filming season 6. Marlene had done such a great job this season and the storylines were amazing! Me and Lucy had been Facetiming all morning. We were both getting ready because we had a photoshoot for the wrap party at 1:00 then Lucy is going to drop me back at 3:30 and then I will fix my hair and makeup in time for Keegan.
Lucy was wearing a white playsuit and a leather jacket over the top. She curled the bottom of her hair and wore a bulky gold necklace and some gold bangles. She applied red lipstick and she did her cat eye with her black eyeliner. She completed her makeup and showed me the white sandals she was going to wear. I started to get ready. Lucy helped me pick out my outfit. We chose my nude dress which the gap at the front went down to below my chest. On the sleeves were gold rings and the belt was the material twisted around. The bottom of it, reached my feet and flowed out but it was still small. I used my bronze eyeshadow and my nude lipgloss. I finished my makeup and put my hair into a tight bun. I slipped on my silver bracelet Keegan brought me and a sliver locket my Nan gave me when I was little. I fastened my copper gladiator sandals and grabbed my peach clutch bag. Lucy said she was coming to get me so I ended the FaceTime and went outside. Me and Keegan were still a massive secret and we were going to tell everybody tomorrow because tonight wasn't about us. It was about PLL.

Lucy's POV-
I had a feeling that 'treegan' was real and so did Ashley. Ever since Keegan's birthday party, he has been very happy, it's like he couldn't wait for something to happen. I was on the way to Troi's house to pick her up. All of the PLL girls were getting a photoshoot. Some of them won't be in season 6 but they deserved to come. It was me, Troian,Shay,Ashley,Janel,Tammin,Lindsey and Sasha. When I saw Troian she looked like she was going to a red carpet. She got into the car and said how good I looked.
"You look better, I love your outfit so much!" I told her. We talked about season 6 and 'Sparia' and then got onto the subject of Keegan.
"Have you heard off him since you got back?" I asked.
"No, have you?" I could tell she was lying. She always adjusted her outfit if she was lying.
"No, I've seen his Twitter but not him." I was lying aswell. I had talked to him about tonight on many occasions.
When we got to the studio, I saw Sasha stood outside. She was wearing a red lace dress which came down to mid-thigh. She started to wave and ran over to the car.
"Troi I haven't see you for ages." They both hugged and carried on talking.
"Hey sash! How are you?" She started to smile.
"I'm fine thanks, how are you?"
"I'm great thanks, is everyone else inside?" I looked around and no one was here.
"No, I'm the only one so far. Do you know where everyone else is?"
"I got told that everyone else was coming together. Tammin was driving." Troi yelled. She was by a tree over the studio.
We waited for a while and then Tammin drove onto the car park.

Troian's POV-
Everybody got out of Tammin's car. I said hello to everybody and walked inside.
"I haven't seen you in ages! What's been happening?" Janel said. She was wearing a yellow maxi dress with a transparent, black kimono.
"Nothing much, I went to see my mum and dad and they were fine."
"Glad to hear it! See you later." She patted me on the back and went over to Lindsey.
The director told us to stand in a line and face the camera. We all smiled for the first one and then pulled funny faces on the second one. It was like being photographed at the Grammys, flashes everywhere.
"This is taking a while." Ash whispered while smiling.
"I know, my legs are aching." I tried to say through my smile.
20 minutes later.
"Ok everybody that's it for today, thanks for coming." They started to pack away their camera equipment.
"Finally." Shay and Ashley walked over to me. Ashley was wearing a black suit, but instead of normal suit bottoms, she wore tight suit bottoms with black high heels.
Shay was wearing a grey silk dress with a big cut out on the back.
"You both look stunning," I exclaimed.
"Don't your making me blush." Shay said shyly.
"Come on Troi, you might aswell stay here!" I realised I was taking a long time talking. "Your right, I've always been slow!" I hugged all of the girls and got into the car.
"I really enjoyed that photoshoot." Lucy said.
"So did I, it just took along time." Lucy laughed.
"I agree, do you need a lift for tonight?" What was I going to tell her? My boyfriend who is a massive secret is taking me as he's girlfriend but we have to tell everyone we are going as 'friends'.
"No thanks, Keegan offered me a lift and I said yes."
"Ooooooooo." She started to nudge me.
"We're friends, as I said before, nothing more, nothing less."
"Ok, whatever you say." Lucy stopped the car and I got out.
"Thanks for driving Luce, see you tonight." I walked back to my apartment and got ready for Keegan.

Authors note-
Sorry for a really long chapter! It's over 1000 words! Sorry for no 'treegan' either. I couldn't fit it in, in this chapter! I promise more 'treegan' in tomorrow's update.
Thanks for reading!

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