Survey (Please Take)

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This is a survey to tell me some things about what I need to do to improve my books and a few other things, please comment on the part and I will reply to all. Please take as it will only take a couple of minutes and it means a lot:)

1) How did you find out about my account/books? E.g through a friend, recommended.
2) Did you enjoy my books? If so please tell me which one and why.
3) What do you think I could to improve? E.g grammar, story line.
4) Do you like the characters and how I name them/describe them. E.g if you like their names.
5) What would you rate my books out of 5? Please be honest, I want to improve my books.
6) Do you like the book covers? I'm also looking for someone who could design some for me so please include if your interested.

Thanks for taking the survey I will read all comments and respond.

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