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~A/N~ Sorry for making you guys wait over a week but we had wedding stuff to do last week (I still can't believe my sister is married). Anyways, here's chapter 5, its basically just a little chapter where you get to know know girls. Enjoy!~

~The Next Day~

Andi woke up early for the first time ever when it was the weekend. She quickly dressed in an AC/DC t-shirt, jeans and her leather jacket and then left to meet up with Melissa at the diner. 

Melissa was already there waiting for her which surprised Andi since it was not even 11:30 yet and their plan was to meet at Noon. 

"You're here early" Andi sat down across from Melissa.

"As are you. I couldn't wait in my hotel room any longer." She said, taking a sip of her coffee. "So what's your idea?"

"Okay so, how would you feel about switching places?"

Melissa raised an eyebrow. "Like, I become you and you become me?"

"Yes, at the end of your trip, I go back to Malibu as you and you stay here as me. I get to see Mom and you get to be with dad"

Melissa sighed. "But Andi, I want dad to know me as me, not as you"

Andi smiled. "Exactly. We switch, find out why they broke up and then get them back together. Dad misses Mom, I can see it every time she's brought up. If we just call Mom and try to get her to come here, I don't think she would. I don't know her but I just have the feeling that she wouldn't. But if you were all the way over here then she'd have to come back to get you and have to bring me back. She wouldn't trust us to fly back ourselves after what we did so she'd have to come back. Then she and dad are in the same place for the first time in sixteen years"

Melissa thought about what Andi said, and she was right. Her mother wouldn't just come back to New York if they asked, but she would if it was to get Melissa… "And if this works…"

"We get both of our parents plus our long lost twin sister in our lives!" Andi sat back in the booth. "I'm a genius"

"There's one flaw in your plan…" Melissa said, holding up one finger. "We have completely different personalities, we can't just change clothes and names and be each other"

Andi threw her hands up. "I'll teach you how to be me and you can teach me how to be you. We'll learn about each other's lives and everything, I'm sure we could pull it off. Haven't you seen The Parent Trap?"

"Yes but that's a movie Andi, this is real life"

"As long as you act like a bitch my dad won't suspect a thing. He's never really home anyways" Andi reached out and put her hand on Melissa's. "Come on, if this works we could have our family back together. If we don't do this then we'll never be able to see each other again…"

Sighing, Melissa nodded. "Alright, fine. I'm in" 

"Yes!" Andi cheered, throwing her hands up. "Meet me at my house later if you don't have anything planned. We can start tonight."

Melissa nodded. "Right, I'll come around seven again?"

"Sounds like a plan."


Later that evening, Melissa came over to Stark Mansion. Andi was sitting in her room with notepads and pens so that they could take notes. 

"Okay so, firstly, you need to learn about my friends," Andi said, pulling out her phone. She pulled up a picture of Peter and showed it to Melissa. "This is Peter Parker, we met in Kindergarten and have been best friends since."

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