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~A/N~ Sorry this chapter is late. I'm sick and I wasn't feeling the best earlier to update (I'm still not feeling that good)

Also this is one of my favorite chapters, it's a cute little chapter but I love it~

The next morning Melissa, Peter, Harley and Tony got up early to head to Malibu and ‘bail’ Andi out of jail. Harley wasn’t originally going to go with them but they didn’t have school that day even though it was tuesday and Harley really wanted to go, so to avoid an argument, Tony allowed him to go with. 
Tony had a feeling that this whole thing was a ploy to get him and Pepper in the same state, but he wasn’t going to risk it, especially knowing how his daughter was. It was way too early for them to be awake, especially with how late they went to bed. Melissa was exhausted, but she knew she would be able to sleep on the trip to California.
“You good?” Melissa asked Peter as they sat on the private plane, waiting to take off. 
Peter’s hand and leg were trembling and his breathing was shaky. “I’m f-fine…”
Sitting down next to him, she looked at him concerned. “You look like you’re on the verge of a panic attack…”
He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t like planes… They give me anxiety…”
“You took one to Germany with Happy,” Tony said, sitting in the seat across from him.
“Yeah but I was so excited that my anxiety didn't kick in…”
Melissa tilted her head to the side. “Can I ask why you don’t like them?”
Peter was quiet for a few seconds. “My parents died in a plane crash and I was on the plane with them… I was one of the only survivors… I was only like a year old and I don’t really remember it, but I remember the feeling of falling and people screaming… And then pain… I have a scar on my chest from it…" He ran a hand over the middle of his chest. "I don't really remember the actual crash but I guess it was traumatic enough for me to always have anxiety while flying…"
"I'm sorry…" Melissa put her hand comfortingly on his knee.
Peter shrugged. "It's fine… I'll be fine…"
"You can stay home if you want to?" Tony said. He knew about Peter's parents dying in a plane crash but he didn't know that Peter had been on the plane with them…
Peter shook his head. "I'll be fine. I want to see Andi"
"You'll see her when I drag her ass home" Tony mumbled, rolling his eyes. 
After making sure that Peter would be 100% okay, they took off for Malibu.


In Malibu, Andi was nervously pacing around Melissa's room. So much was going to end up happening within a few short hours and they had no idea how it would turn out…
She couldn't wait to see Peter though, she really missed him. She didn't think she'd miss him as much as she did…
~Two Years Ago~
Fifteen-Year-Olds Andi and Peter had just gotten back from a field trip to a real science lab. Peter had been quiet for most of the day which was really unlike him, especially when it came to science.
"You okay Pete?" Andi asked, sitting down on her friend's bed.
Peter nodded. "I'm fine" He smiled but Andi could tell something was up, but she decided to let it go.
A few days passed and Peter was acting even weirder than before. He kept avoiding Andi's eyes anytime she looked at him, he would disappear into his room all day which was unlike him, a lot of times when Andi looked at him it looked like he was in pain… Andi didn't like this…
One day she stormed into Peter's room, having had enough. "You need to talk to me Parker, you never keep secrets from me…"
Peter sighed and motioned for Andi to sit down. He started explaining everything that had happened since the field trip. When they had been in the science lab, Peter had felt something bite his hand and when he looked, it was a spider. He didn't think anything of it and continued on but as the day passed he started feeling strange, which was why he was quiet.
Over the next few days after, he noticed other weird things happening, he was sticking to walls, his reflexes and senses seemed enhanced… The spider bite did something to him…
"So what, are you going to turn into a spider man now? Spider-Dork? Half spider, half dork" Andi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Peter laughed, playfully rolling his eyes at his friend. "I don't think I'm half spider now, but I still have no idea what's happening…"
"You could have told me, I could have helped" She said, suddenly serious.
Peter nodded. "I know… I'm sorry…" He looked up at Andi. 
She smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "So, Spider-Dork, should we go talk to my Uncle Banner about all this?"
Peter shrugged. "I guess…"
They went to Avengers HQ to talk to Banner and after doing some tests, Banner concluded that the spider must have been radioactive and gave Peter the traits and 'powers' of a spider.
Peter didn't know what to do with this newfound knowledge, but only a few days later he knew exactly what to do.
The two teens were on their way home from school when someone tried to mug them. When the guy put his hands on Andi, Peter saw red and snapped. He threw the guy against the wall, surprising both him and Andi with his new strength.
The guy ended up leaving and Andi looked at Peter with wide eyes. "Dude that was badass"
Peter looked down at his hands and then back up at Andi. "Thanks…"
A few days prior, Andi had made a joke about Peter becoming an Avenger since he now had 'spider powers'. At first, Peter didn't really take it seriously because he knew that Tony and May would never allow him to become an Avenger but now he knew what he had to do.
He was going to be an Avenger, whether Tony and May liked it or not, and it wasn't because he had dreamed of being an Avenger or because he felt like he needed to…
It was because he needed to protect his Drea, and as long as Peter was around, nothing would ever happen to her…
~Present Day~
Andi laid down on Melissa's bed. She wondered if her father would be mad at her for tricking him to come down there, he was probably already mad at her for the switch… Would her mother be mad seeing her father again?
Pushing those thoughts out of her head, she decided to reminisce about her and Peter's childhood.
~Thirteen Years Ago~
Four-Year-Olds Andi and Peter were hanging out in the living room at Stark Mansion. Peter was looking around the room with wide eyes. “I can’t believe your father is Tony Stark… That’s so cool!”
“He’s not that cool” Andi shrugged.
“But he’s TONY STARK! He’s Iron Man!” Peter looked at her with fascination in his big hazel eyes. “I want to be an Avenger when I grow up!”
Andi moved so that she was hanging upside down on the couch. “Why? The Avengers are dumb. They’re no fun, well Zia Nat and Zio Clint are fun, and they leave all the time to go on their stupid missions”
“Zia and Zio?” Peter asked, looking confused and tilting his head to the side.
“It’s Aunt and Uncle in Italian,” Andi explained. “It’s what I call my Aunt Natasha and Uncle Clint”
Nodding, Peter laid on the floor next to the couch, right under where Andi’s head was hanging. “What’s it like having Tony Stark being your Dad?”
Andi sighed. “My Dad isn’t as cool as people think he is. He isn’t home a lot and when he is he’s in his lab.”
“What about your Mom?”
Andi looked down sadly. “My mom isn't around… My Dad won’t tell me anything about her…”
Peter looked at her sadly. “I’m sorry… My parents died when I was little…”
“I’m sorry….”
“It’s okay. Let’s go play!” Peter said, smiling. 
Andi nodded and they got up and went to her room to play.
~Two Years Later~
Six-Year-Olds Andi and Peter were sitting at the island in May’s kitchen, eating breakfast. Peter looked  and smiled up as his Uncle Ben walked in. “Hi Ben!”
“Hey Pete,” Ben said, ruffling Peter’s hair. “Hey Peanut” He said to Andi, kissing her head. Ben and Andi were very close, maybe even closer than Ben and Peter were. 
Ben had always wanted to have a daughter, but since May was infertile, that couldn’t happen unless they decided to adopt, which they weren’t in the place to do. Then Peter came along and Ben and May treated him as their own, and even though Ben loved him, he still wanted a little girl. When Andi came into the picture, she became Ben’s Little Girl. May and Tony loved how close they were and Peter didn’t mind sharing his uncle with His Drea. 
One of the things that they loved was the song ‘You’ll Be In My Heart’ from Tarzan. It was Ben and Andi’s song, he would always sing it to her, or they’d sing it together… Another thing Ben would do with both kids was reenact a scene from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when Dick Van Dyke’s character would sing the song ‘You Two’ to his kids. Andi and Peter loved it…
After they finished their breakfast, Andi went to get changed out of her pjs before they went to the park. Peter watched her leave with a small smile on his face, sighing happily.
Ben smiled at his nephew. “What’s up Pete?”
“I love Drea…” Peter said, still smiling. “I’m going to marry her one day…”
“Oh you are huh?”
Peter nodded. “Yep. She’s so pretty, I love her so much…” He smiled. “She’s my sunshine…” 
Andi came back into the kitchen, dressed in play clothes and smiled. “I’m ready”
Jumping down from his stool, already dressed for the day, Peter put his dishes into the sink and then went over to Andi. His eyes sparkled with love every time he looked at her, and it was obvious to everyone, except maybe Andi. You could tell he was so in love with her…
~Present Day~
Andi missed Ben so much, she was never the same after he died. She couldn’t listen to the song You’ll Be In My Heart or watch Chitty Chitty Bang Bang without crying…
Sighing, Andi decided to go raid the kitchen. She was starting to get upset, which is exactly what she didn’t want to happen, that’s why she started to reminisce on her childhood. If Peter was here, he would probably start singing You Are My Sunshine to her. When Peter was young, before he met Andi, May rewrote You Are My Sunshine to make it more of a lullaby, and she would sing it to him whenever he was scared or upset, and then when Andi came along, Peter started singing it to her for the same reasons and it became their song. Peter started calling her his Sunshine because of it…
While Andi was going through the fridge, her phone lit up with a text.
Spidey 🕸️🕷️: I can’t wait to see you Drea ♥️


On the plane, Peter fell asleep not long after he sent Andi the text. He had started to get anxious about the flight and Tony was afraid that he would have a panic attack so he gave Peter something to calm him down, which mixed with how early they’d had gotten up, made him fall asleep. 

Since Peter was asleep and didn’t need her, Melissa decided to go see what Harley was doing. He looked up from his phone as she sat down next to him. “Hey Melissa, or do you prefer Mel? Or Missy?”
“Neither actually. I hate being called Mel and only my mother is allowed to call me Missy. I prefer Liss or Lissa,” She said. 
Harley nodded, making a mental note. “So what’s up?”
Melissa shrugged. “I was just bored and decided to see what you were up to”
He showed her the game he had been playing on his phone but after a while they got bored of it and started talking. The more Melissa got to know Harley, the more she was finding it hard to believe that he was as douchey as Andi said he was. When she was still pretending to be Andi and saw how he was, she could kind of understand that he was a tiny bit of a douche, but she didn’t think he was as much of a douche as Andi thinks. 
The two talked about everything under the sun and then some. Melissa was kind of upset that she wasn’t able to get to know him earlier, but it would have ruined the plan. She liked Harley, he was sweet and funny but also sarcastic and reckless, not to mention she also found him really hot. 
They talked for almost the entire flight, Tony wasn’t too happy about the way Harley looked at his daughter, but he wasn’t going to tell Melissa that she couldn’t be around him, he was absent for her entire life, he didn’t really have any right to tell her who she could and couldn’t be friends with, and Harley wasn’t his kid, nor would Harley even listen to him. Knowing Harley, if Tony told him to stay away from Melissa, it would make him want to be around her more.
When the plane landed, Melissa started getting anxious. A whole lot of shit was going to go down and she was not prepared for it…

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