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~A/N~ Here it is. The FINAL chapter of The Stark Trap. I love that it just so happens that the final chapter is posted on Friday the 13th (AND in October), Andi would LOVE that lol

I really hope this chapter isn't anticlimactic, I didn't really know what to do when I was writing it

I think I'm going to do some bonus chapters of little things that happened before/during the story. I have some ideas of things that happened before the story but not during so what are some little things you want to see?

Also, should I do an epilogue? If so, what should the epilogue be about?

Thank you to whoever stuck it out this long ❤ I hope you enjoyed the story and that it wasn't anticlimactic~

It was Christmas Day and Andi and Melissa were spending it in New York with their father.
"You know some kids would be like 'two Christmases yay!' but I honestly hate it" Andi said, sighing.
She, Peter, and Melissa were sitting on the floor in the living room, wrapping the last few presents that they didn't have time to wrap before. 
"I know, but if you want both of them to be in your life then this is how it has to be" Peter said. He felt bad for Andi and Melissa, he could see how much they hated having a broken family.
Melissa sighed. "Sometimes I kinda wish that we never did this plan in the first place… It got our hopes up just to tear them down…"
Andi nodded, cutting a piece of wrapping paper. Peter looked over at his girlfriend and smiled, she had her tongue sticking out a tiny bit, which she always did when she was concentrating and Peter thought it was the cutest thing ever. He still couldn't believe that he was able to call Andi his girlfriend…
"What are you three up to?" Tony asked, walking in the room.
Andi quickly pulled the blanket they were using to hide the presents over the gift she was currently wrapping, which was meant for Tony. "We're wrapping a few things that we didn't have time to wrap due to school and going to moms"
Tony nodded. "Did you have fun at Moms?"
The girls nodded. "It was fun," Andi said, leaning back against the couch, her back hurting from sitting on the floor for so long. "I don't like having two Christmases though…"
"Yes well at least you guys get a Christmas with both of us"
Andi shrugged. "Can we drop the Christmas with you and just have one with Mom?" She joked, smirking.
"Ha ha" Tony rolled his eyes. "Don't threaten me with a good time"
Tony went into the kitchen and the kids continued what they were doing. "Is May coming over for Christmas Pete?" Tony asked from the other room.
"Yeah, she should be here in like an hour. Ow!" Peter ripped his hand away from the scissors he had been using.
"What did you do?" Andi asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Cut myself with the stupid scissors" He said getting up and going into the kitchen.
Andi playfully rolled her eyes at him, smiling slightly to herself.
Around an hour later and all of the Avengers and May were all there, the whole Mansion smelled like cookies, thanks to May, and everyone was sitting around the living room in different groups either talking or playing board games while Christmas movies played on TV, the current one being Die Hard.
Christmas was one of Andi's favorite holidays because of moments like this. Yeah she hated cheesy things and people, and this had both, but growing up with it just being her and her father made her love moments when everyone got together as a big family.
Meanwhile in Malibu, Pepper was spending her Christmas with John and his family. She sat at the kitchen island, drumming her fingers on the countertop and she watched John's family make dinner and talk, and as she watched them, she thought about how this could have been her family had she looked into the Christine thing more instead of flipping out. She should have trusted Tony and trusted that he never would have cheated on her…
She looked over at John, laughing with his brother, and thought about how she felt about him. She loved him… But she wasn't in love with him… She knew that now…
She loved Tony… She still did, even after all these years… Seeing him again reminded her of all of the feelings that she spent over a decade trying to push away.
But Tony probably wouldn't take her back, and she didn't blame him, she wouldn't take her back either if she was in his position.
"You okay Gin?" John asked her and for a second, she didn't realize he was talking to her, she still wasn't used to being called Virginia or any of its nicknames after going by Pepper for well over a decade.
"I'm fine…" She lied. He gave her a look, clearly not believing it, and Pepper sighed. "I just… I need to go home… I need to clear my head"
She started putting on her jacket and John offered to go with her but she declined, saying she wanted to be alone.
So many thoughts had been going through her mind after Melissa told her the truth about what Christine did, and those thoughts practically doubled when she watched the tape.
On the drive home, she thought over everything. Everything that she tried to block out for over sixteen years…
By the time she got home, there were two things that she wanted, and one of those was a very large glass of wine.
Back in New York, everyone was lounging around and watching TV, it was getting late and all of the adults except Tony had called it a night and headed to their rooms in the mansion. Andi was still awake, as was Peter, and the two of them sat on the floor of the living room, cuddled under a blanket.
Melissa was on one of the couches, sitting close to Harley, who had his hand on her leg, much to the dismay of her father, though he didn't say anything.
For the first time since she met Melissa and came up with the plan, Andi wasn't thinking about getting her parents back together or the fact that the plan didn't work… She was just enjoying Christmas with her new boyfriend…
And then there was a knock at the door, startling everyone. Tony looked at the kids confused, and then at the time. 1:30am. "Who's knocking at this time of night?" Tony asked, more to himself than the others.
He went over and answered the door, almost passing out when he saw who was there.
Pepper smiled nervously, snowflakes covering her head and shirt. "Hey…" She rubbed her arms to warm them up, since she wasn't wearing a coat. "I forgot how much it snowed here, my winter stuff is all packed away…"
"Wh-what are you doing here?" He asked, pulling her into the house.
Pepper looked at him for a long while, taking in all the changes to him that happened over the years that she hadn't noticed before. "You really suck, Stark, did you know that?" She said before crashing her lips to his.
The kids had paused the movie and were all listening in. When they heard it was Pepper, Andi nearly had a heart attack. And when she saw them kiss, she looked at her sister with wide eyes. "No fucking way…"
All of the kids were shocked, Andi even thought that maybe they had passed out and this was all a dream…
"I'm starting to see how much like Miss Potts you are Andi, I'm pretty sure you said almost that exact same thing to me earlier and then kissed me…" Peter said, half joking.
Andi shoved him, muttering dork before turning back to where her parents were standing, now pulling away.
"Pep… I don't… I don't understand…"
Pepper looked over at the girls and then looked back at Tony. "Our daughters also really suck" She joked. "They told me everything and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it… I realized that I still really loved you and that I wanted to come back… I wasn't really that happy there, I just made myself think that I was… I talked to John on my way here and told him everything. He was obviously upset but he wanted me to be happy…"
"Does this mean what I think it does…?" Melissa asked, hoping this wasn't some kind of sick joke. "Are you guys getting back together or…?"
Tony looked at Pepper with a raised eyebrow. "I mean I'd never say no to it…"
Pepper laughed, shaking her head, remembering why she loved him in the first place. "Would I have flown all the way to New York on Christmas Day if the answer was no?"
"I don't know but this is some cheesy hallmark Christmas movie shit" Andi said.
Tony pulled Pepper in for another kiss. "You have no idea how much I missed you"
"Okay now this is getting gross," Andi said, making a disgusted face. "Get a room"
Their parents laughed and pulled away, they both knew that they would have to talk about everything eventually, but that could wait. They joined the kids on the couch, playing the movie again, Andi and Melissa moved from where they were sitting, going to sit with their parents instead.
The twins fist bumped, dramatically exclaiming "Fuck yeah!" Causing their parents to roll their eyes.
Neither of them could believe it actually worked… It had worked out in the movie, but their life wasn't a movie and they really weren't expecting it after what happened in California and after their mother's engagement… But the girls didn't care about anything else…
They had done their own Parent Trap, a Stark Trap if you will, and surprisingly enough, it all worked out…
After sixteen long years, their family was finally back together…

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