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~A Week and a Half Later~

Andi tapped her fingers against her desk impatiently as she watched the clock. Two minutes until the bell rang, then she had to run home where she was meeting Melissa and switch clothes with her before Melissa's bus left for the airport. 

Thankfully, Peter was going to grab Andi's stuff out of her locker and bring it home since Andi didn't have much time. The bus was leaving at 3:45 and school ended at 3:30. That gave her fifteen minutes to get from school to her house, then change and get to Melissa's hotel. 

"Andi!" Peter smacked her in the arm, snapping Andi out of her thoughts. "The bell!"

"Shit" She grabbed her bag and ran out of the classroom. She now had thirteen minutes to do everything since she hadn't heard the bell. 

She ran all the way home where Melissa was waiting for her outside. She quickly unlocked the doors and they ran upstairs to change. 

"What's the time?" Andi asked, throwing Melissa her Nirvana shirt. 

Melissa checked the time on her phone. "Shit it's 3:38" She handed over her tank top and sweater.

They finished changing and ran downstairs. Melissa was now wearing Andi's Nirvana shirt, black flannel, black jean shorts and black converse and Andi was wearing Melissa's white tank top, light blue Disney sweater, light blue jean shorts, and white converse. 

"All of my stuff is already packed and in the bus so you don't have to worry about that." Melissa said as they ran. 

They got to the hotel just as the teachers were loading the students on the bus. "You got everything you need?" Andi asked. 

"Yep." Melissa nodded. "Text me when you land"

"I will" Andi gave her a hug and turned to go over to the bus but stopped when she noticed Peter standing a few feet away. "What the hell are you doing here Parker?"

"Do you really think you're getting on that bus without saying goodbye to me?" He asked, pulling her into a hug. 

Andi hugged him back. "We said our goodbyes earlier, and it's not like you're never going to see me again"

"I know but this is going to be the longest that we've ever been apart…"

Hugging him tighter, Andi buried her face into the crook of his neck as tears started to run down her face. She didn't realize how hard leaving Peter would be for her. They've never been apart for more than a few days at a time since they were four… "I'm going to miss you Parker" 

Peter kissed the side of her head. "I'm going to miss you too Stark"

"I really hate to interrupt but the bus is going to leave soon and my name is about to be called for role call," Melissa said. 

Nodding, Andi pulled away and wiped the tears from her face. "Right. I got to go. I'll text you guys when I land."

She gave them both one more hug and then joined the other kids at the bus just as Melissa's name was called. 

Peter and Melissa watched from a distance as she got onto the bus, and then as the bus drove away. Once the bus was out of sight, the two of them walked back to Stark Mansion. 

"You okay Peter?" Melissa asked, looking over at him. 

He nodded, wiping the tears from his face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just hard, we've rarely ever been apart"

"I understand. That's how I felt about leaving my mother…" Melissa looked down and kicked a few pebbles. 

"Don't worry. If this works out then your whole family will be back together soon"

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