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~A/N~ It's still wild to me that there are only two chapters left. I really hope the final chapter won't be anticlimactic but I'm nervous it will be~

Andi sat on the plane as it started to take off. She hadn’t spoken to anyone since they had left Melissa's. Peter had tried to ask if she was okay, but she ignored him.
What happened? Why didn't it work… She thought that her parents being together again might reignite something, but it didn't… They had been laughing, having fun and reminiscing… She could tell that both of her parents still loved each other, but maybe her father was right… Maybe her mother was hurt too much to forgive him…
She had planned on telling her mother the truth about what happened with Christine when they had been sitting there talking, but Melissa said not to because she didn't want to ruin the mood. Now she was wishing that she had, maybe everything would have turned out differently…
"Drea?" Peter asked, sitting down in the seat next to her.
Andi looked over at him, paying attention to him for the first time since they had gotten to California. Everything had been so hectic at first when her father had gotten there, and then there was the whole trip down memory lane, that she hadn't really even realized that he was there. "Hey Pete…"
"How are you feeling?" He asked, despite already knowing the answer.
She shrugged. "Crappy."
"I'm sorry…"
"Everything was going so well… What happened?" She knew he didn't have an answer, and she wasn't expecting him to respond.
All Peter did was put his hand on her leg comfortingly. "Onto another topic, I'm pretty sure Harley has a thing for your sister, and I'm pretty sure she likes him too"
Andi nodded. She had seen the way they were looking at each other when they had all been sitting around her mother's living room. There was a sparkle in both their eyes, as cheesy as it sounded. "He better stay away from her"
Peter laughed "You can't control them Drea, if they want to date, let them date. I think they'd make a cute couple…"
"What do you think their ship name would be? Marley?" Andi joked.
They both laughed and Andi looked over at him, she hated how she felt, not because he was her friend, but because the way she felt was way too cheesy for her taste.
Andi's phone went off, causing them both to jump. She looked away from Peter and answered the call, not even bothering to look at who it was from. "Yeah?"
"Hey Andi…" Melissa’s voice said. "You feeling crappy too?"
Andi sighed. "Yeah… I was really hoping it would work…"
"Me too… Have you guys taken off yet?"
"Yeah. Peter and I were just talking about you and Harley, we've decided that your ship name will be Marley"
Andi could practically feel her sister roll her eyes, even though she couldn't see her. "And what would yours and Peter's be? Pandi? Wait that's actually really cute"
Andi heard Peter laugh beside her. She looked over at him and smiled. "Maybe…"
Peter looked at her confused, what did she mean by maybe…?
Melissa explained that she had called to tell her that she had told their mother about what had happened either Christine and she had given her the tape, and they talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.
"Hey Drea…" Peter trailed off, drawing circles on her hand with his finger, something he did when nervous. "What did you mean when you said 'maybe' when Liss said that our ship name would be Pandi…?"
Andi smiled, deciding to take a chance. She lifted the hand that he had been messing with and grabbed his chin, pulling him in for a kiss.
Never in her life did Andrea Stark think she'd be kissing her best friend…
Never in his life did Peter Parker think he'd ever be lucky enough to kiss his best friend…
But there they were, sitting in her father's private jet kissing. Peter started to pull away at first before mumbling 'fuck it' and kissing her even deeper.
Andi smiled against his lips, wondering why it took her so long to do this.
They pulled away, both of them blushing. Peter liked his lips while at the same time brushing his thumb against hers. "I… You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for…"
"Then why didn't you?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
He shrugged. "I just… Never thought you'd feel the same…" He smiled his goofy smile that Andi loved. "You are the only thing that I have ever wanted…"
Andi playfully rolled her eyes. "I missed you Parker," She said, smiling.
Smiling, Peter rested his forehead against hers. "Not more than I missed you Stark"
Andi laid her head down on his shoulder and they stayed like that the rest of the flight. Tony and Harley were sitting a few rows in front of them and unbeknownst to the two love birds, they had seen what had happened.
Usually, Tony wouldn't have been happy with it, but he was honestly surprised it had taken this long to happen, and after what happened at Pepper's, he wasn't going to ruin this for Andi, she was already mad enough at him…
When they finally got home, it was around 10:30 and Andi was exhausted, despite having fallen asleep on the ride back.
"I'm gonna go to bed. Night dorks" Andi said, as she took off her shoes and made her way upstairs
"I don't think I've ever seen My Drea go to sleep before midnight," Peter joked.
She flipped him off as she walked upstairs. "Quiet Dork"
Peter smiled, still in disbelief that he had actually kissed Andi. He was half expecting to wake up and find out it had all been a dream… But he didn't wake up, because it wasn't a dream.
They hadn't actually talked about if they were dating or what… Peter hoped they were, or would at least start dating, but if Andi didn't want to then he would respect that.
Andi didn't even change out of her clothes before collapsing onto her bed. She had missed her bed, it was her favorite bed, and no bed even came close to it.
She had expected to fall asleep right away, but all she could think about was if her mother had watched the tape, and if she had, what did she think about it?
Her mother was engaged now, she was going to get married and Andi would have a step-father… She would never have her family back together…
Maybe it would be like the Parent Trap where you think they won't get back together, but then they do. She wished that was the case, but she didn't want to get her hopes up too much if she was just going to be disappointed in the end…

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