Chapter 9

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It was a breath of fresh air for Abigail to see Cassidy so genuinely happy the way he was around Chuck and Trent. It was unlike most any relationship she'd ever seen. No matter what they were doing, no matter how long it had been since they'd talked, despite Cassidy being so sure that things would be awkward. they just weren't. There was no awkward period, just instant happiness regardless of what they were doing. It was almost childlike.

It honestly made her teary-eyed because she'd never had something like that. Yes, she made up with her friends and it was like no time had passed, but that was only after the awkward period of apologizing and catching up on what they had missed. But with those three, they just picked right up where they left off. No hate, no 'where have you been and what have you done?', just 'I'm glad you're here,' 'I've missed you,' and sliding right in to do whatever it is they were doing.

It gave her hope that maybe she could have a friend like that, too. Maybe Cassidy was that friend, or maybe she would slide in and find a whole friend group – no, a family. She wanted her old friend group to be a part of this, too.

I want everyone to be happy, she thought to herself. To feel this kind of love. Never a moment of loneliness. If we all had this, there would truly be peace because everyone would feel just how strong unconditional love can be.

After she took everything in, she grabbed Cassidy's hand to let him know she was gonna go pop outside for a bit to get some fresh air, explore some, and let him enjoy this moment. Ending her statement with a big smile, she squeezed his hand and told him how happy she was to see him so happy and that one day, she will get to smile like that, too. He just replied by winking at her and reminding her that day is never too far away, which widened her smile just that much more. In that moment, she felt just as he felt when entering that room, like she was exactly where she was supposed to be.

As she walked out of the room to go explore this, her new home and life, Chuck waited until she was out of earshot before finally popping in and speaking.

"I really like your new chick, dude. She's a total badass and cool as hell. And bro, I've never seen you smile like that. I know we're dudes and blah, blah, blah, don't get sappy, but fuck that shit! Seeing one of my bros happy, that shit is better than being happy myself."

"He's right, bro. You've got yourself a winner. She fits in perfectly. It's crazy, it's like she's just always been here."

'Yeah, she's quite the catch, but there's just one problem – we're not dating, and sadly I don't think there's any interest there. In fact, the walls on the friend zone are so high, I doubt I'd even want to try to climb them."

"Dude, that chick like, loves you. Did you see how she lit up like a Christmas tree just by seeing you happy?"

"Yeah man, it's different, too. Like what I said earlier about seeing you happy making me happy. That wasn't the look I'd give you, that look is the one you give your person."

"Alright, alright, you two are getting way too emo for me. You know I don't do well with this kind of stuff."

"Listen, all Trent and I are saying is, don't miss your chance."

"If you don't make that wish on a shooting star, you'll never know if it'll come true."

"Wow, that's not only too emo, but like, actually deep."

"Thanks, man. I got it from a cookie."

"Okay, how did I not see that part coming?"

"Maybe you didn't see it coming because you didn't try. Just like you didn't try to get your dream girl."

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