Not So Black & White (oneshot)

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"Oh, so now you call. Our girl's going through the trials and needs you, but when it's time to get on the phone, you're MIA. You best have a good explanation."

"I do. I mean, kinda. Well, maybe not. Depends on who you ask."

"So then, what is it?"

"I was making plans for tonight with the guy I've been talking to from Tinder, and we're going out tonight. One, you'll never guess where he's from, and two you'll never guess where we're going!"

"Okay, first off, you know how I feel about dating apps. Second off, I thought you had a man? And third, this is about Abbi, not your bitch ass."

"Wow, rude much? And I know this is about Abbi. We are going to go help her out on her little date night."

"What the hell are you talking about, Maxine? Can we get to the point already? I can already tell that you have a plan and it's going to be an absolutely beautiful disaster. So let me hear it then."

"Wow, Elizabeth, I didn't know we were calling each other by our full government names now. But if you must know, yes, I have a plan, because the handsome gentleman caller, Adam is his name, just so happens to be from the same town that our dearest Abbi and her new main squeeze now attend school at. He invited me to go out tonight to a club that his group of friends are kinda the VIPs of. Which, by the message our girl sent, is the very place that she will be professing her love at on this very night."

"No fucking way."

"Yes, bitch. Yes fucking way."

"So you're dragging me to a club, so you can go on a date, under the pretenses that we will be there for Abbi?"

"Not exactly. I'm not going out alone on a Tinder date. I could die. And I mean, I know it's only like an hour away, but I don't go anywhere. So what I'm asking from you is to watch over us and make sure all goes well."

"You know there's no way in hell Ben will go, and you know he's normally the driver when you aren't, so you didn't think this plan through, did you, love?"

"Well, actually, I did."

"What did you do?"

"Well, I called in a favor."

"What kind of favor? Who did you call?"

"Don't kill me."

"Bitch, you didn't–"

"I called Will."

"Oh, bitch, you fucking did it."

"He said he'd love to take us, and that he and the boys will pick us up at around 7ish."

"The boys? He's bringing Mark and Kyle?"

"Well, Kyle for sure. Mark might be there. He said Mark is 'MILF hunting' tonight, whatever that means."

"Dumb cunt always loved them older. Just ask my mom."

"Oh yeah, he wants your mom more than I think even your dad does. It's kinda cute, actually."

"Not that cute. Oh, and Max? If I make it through tonight, I'm going to murder you. Like, kill you dead. No coming back, bitch. Gone. No more headaches for me."

"So that's a 'yes' and a 'you love me', right?"

"I'm doing this simply to see Abbi get her man and to make sure you don't die."

"Love you too, girl. I'll see you shortly."

"Go fuck yourself, love."

As the phone call ended, Liz felt a rush of panic in herself. She didn't like to see Will much anymore. The two were life-long best friends who did everything together, then slowly over time, had drifted apart – far apart. She missed him and he missed her. The truth of the matter is the two were soulmates, twin flames, that just weren't destined to be and that hurt their friendship.

Will had laid it all on the line once, but it was after Liz and Ben had become serious. It was the day their friendship had just kind of died. How do you come back from telling the love of your life that you love them, but they look back at you and tell you that, in another life, you would have had the happiest of families and the love would never be matched, but that's not what the world had in store for them in this world? She was happy with Ben and Will was her best friend, and losing either would cause her too much pain.

Little did she know, her worst fear just came true. Will couldn't take it. He loved her and he wanted to see her happy, but he knew this would only cause her heartbreak. He made a hard choice and he bailed. He was still around when she needed him, more so if the old group was all together. He had definitely missed Abbi, which was probably why he agreed to drive.

Thinking of what was and what could've been was bittersweet for Liz, but she was happy with Ben. Thinking of her once best friend made her smile with sorrow and her heart skip a beat each and every time.

Life isn't always black and white.

Liz knew that Abbi was learning that and Max, maybe, knew it the most. Max was a serial romantic with a heart of gold, but abused by her heart each and every time. No, this wasn't like the Abbi situation where she had suffered a lot in her relationship and seemingly had no way out. With Max, it was almost always a three strikes policy. 'What have you done for me lately?' So damaged by herself and insecurities, should someone not treat her like she thought she should be treated, she would leave them. And as much as she said she had moved on, she didn't. It broke her every single time. Even getting back with several different people, missing them because she became attached, and only leaving because she didn't think she was good enough. It was a vicious cycle, just as everyone else, be it Cassidy, be it Abbi, Liz, or Max, no one was truly perfect and everyone has their own vicious cycle. It makes us who we are, but it also shows us the world is not so black and white. Good people do and go through bad things. It shapes us, molds us. Everyone in the world has a story, no matter how big or how small, and sometimes, just sometimes, the smallest little event can change the course of many people's lives.

Maybe even an event as small as a trip with your old best friend to watch over your best girlfriend on her Tinder date, to make sure she makes it home safe. Maybe on that trip your other girlfriend spills her guts to the man she loves and it sets off a chain of events that are so much like a movie or a novel, you almost forget it's real life. For our dear Max, that was her life. That was all of their lives.

Lucky for Max and even our dear Abbi, their lives have just begun.

Max, Kyle, and Will pulled up to pick Liz up and opened the passenger door. Max and Kyle were in the back, with Kyle screaming about co-eds and Max hitting him for being a pig. Liz joined Will up front to which, in the chaos, he looked at her and reminded her to buckle up because it was going to be a hell of a ride.

They sped down the highway as Cassidy was with his best friends, getting hyped up for a date with the girl of his dreams. Abbi was with Sandy, who was making her raid her wardrobe because tonight was about her. Tonight, she would be the hottest girl at the club and she would get her man.

As all of these things happened, none of them thought this is where they would be at this very moment at this very time. Well, except for maybe Ben, who heard the plans and laid down for bed early.

As everyone of them knew, life isn't always black and white. It's not always a straight path. That fear, with a hint of hope, made them all smile, because that was exactly what made life fun.

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