Chapter 10

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In two different rooms, almost at the exact same time, two cries rang out of how nervous they were and how everything was going to be messed up as both Abigail and Cassidy were reassured this was the right decision and that they belong together. They knew they did, but the issues of both of them planted just enough doubt in their minds that they didn't deserve each other, because in their eyes, they didn't deserve anyone. But, the people around them weren't going to let them be their own worst enemies, not this time.

As Sandy helped Abigail not only find her confidence but also a look that would take any man's breath away, maybe even some women, Sandy couldn't help but to smile at the genuineness of Abigail, the way she was just truly her. The way that, to the common man, she wasn't a bombshell because she was subtle. She was real. Her beauty came from a familiarity, of a simple time. Abigail was the girl who you wanted to stay up talking about nothing to. She was the type that you'd get in trouble with because when she asked you, "What's the craziest thing you've done lately?" you didn't have a good answer and you didn't want to let her down. This is the girl that's right in front of your eyes your whole life and when you realize it was her and it was always going to be her, you give everything up because you know in your heart of hearts that the juice is most definitely worth the squeeze. It was hard not to smile around her, with a bubbly personality and a firecracker attitude. Abigail's beauty came from being a genuine girl next door.

"You're absolutely stunning, you know."


"You're beautiful and sadly, I don't think enough people tell you that."

"Thanks. I don't get that a lot. I never was the pretty girl."

"Trust me, you always were the pretty girl. It's just that no one was man enough to say it."

"Thanks. You're really pretty, too. I'm glad that we didn't rip each other throats out," Abigail replied with a smile

"Yeah,I guess I have a bit of a standoffish personality/"

"It's okay. I can be that way, too."

"Hey, smart minds challenge each other."

"Now I'm smart and pretty? Are you trying to get me ready for a date or take me on one?"

"As tempting as it'd be to give up and let those eyes finally draw me in, Cassidy is the one for you. I feel it. The way you light up when he's around, the way he does the same... I couldn't fathom love being real if the two of you don't stick right by each other's side until the day you die."

"I think I agree with you. After my last relationship, I've asked and I've asked,

How do I know when he's the one?' But I think it's the way my heart skips a beat everytime he looks at me, the way I feel like I'm full of butterflies every time he just touches my hand, the way my heart aches when I wake up and he's not beside me. That's how I know."

"Trust me on this: do not give up. You are meant for happiness and that happiness is with him. Your heart doesn't lie, nor am I blind. It is easy to see. As much as I claim I don't believe in it, you have a true, genuine, everlasting love. One that is unbreakable. But do not give up, because those are the ones that get tested, and when I say tested, I mean it. They will break you down to your very core, but if you stick with with it, if you are strong enough and, just in the short time I've know you I can tell there is something in or about you that's different, that makes you stronger than you'll ever know, when the call for war comes, answer it. Because when all is said and done, when that smoke clears, when it's you and him standing hand in hand, having defeated everything this dark and evil world threw at you, then you'll have more happiness than you'll ever know."

As Sandy finished what she was saying, Abigail could tell she was beginning to break by the slight choking up on the last line. This prompted her to burst into tears of her own and embrace her in a tight hug, reassuring her that there's just not enough happiness in the world for her and like she just told her, because if you're strong enough, if you bear the storm and truly fight, you can be happy, too. We both can. Everyone can. All you have to do is fight for that right. Fight for you, and like you said, fight for your person.

The two then entered a tighter embrace and promised each other that no matter what, come hell or high water, they would make sure the other would fight. That no matter day or night, if the other wasn't around, they could always call upon them. Because from now until the end of time, they would always be one another's ally. Through thick and thin, no matter how bad it got, they stuck to that promise to the end.

Neither would have expected that a seemingly small event at a diner in a small town would lead to a snowball effect, causing the pair to become almost inseparable, but as we've learned by now, nothing happens by chance. It never has and it never will. everything happens for a reason, as to guide us to this very moment, with a dress on, her makeup all done up, a new best friend and a goal of confessing her love to the love of her life.

At the same time, a reunited group of friends helped a down on his luck, self loathing, hopeless romantic get all dressed up and made sure he didn't talk himself out of taking the one chance that will better both of their lives completely.

What will happen with the confessions of love on both Abigail and Cassidy's minds? Well, they would know in due time, because everyone was dressed and ready to go, as meet up time would be soon. This town comes alive at nightfall, as the club is open only from dusk till dawn.

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