Chapter 12

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The music boomed to a lively crowd. Both Cassidy and Abigail had been to clubs but nothing like this. The energy was electric, the atmosphere unlike anything the two of them had ever experienced. The live music playing was quite unusual. A man all painted up was playing his heart out on the sax, like he was playing for each and every person watching them. He wasn't playing music, no, he was making love to this crowd, they both thought to themselves. On second thought, no, that's too nice. He's trying to fuck then with music and they are all letting him, much to the disappointment (and seeming heartbreak) of a woman who appeared to be his scorned lover in the back of the room.

Cassidy and Abigail just shared a look of 'damn, this place is crazy,' but both knew this was just the opening act and the night was still young. The pair could not be more excited for that fact. They loved this. One way or another, both knew in their hearts this night would be something they would remember forever.

"This place is fucking insane. You couldn't have dragged me to a better place."

"Sandy picked it and damn, I see why. You're right. This is fucking insane."

"You want a drink? I feel like it will increase the vibe of the place."

"Cassidy, you dirty dog! Do you think I'm some club slut who you're going to bang in the bathroom?"

"Wait, what? No. I just want us to have a good time."

"Dude, you are so easy. I'm just fucking with you."

"What's that, you want to fuck me? I thought you weren't a club slut?"

"What the hell? I didn't..."

Cassidy's smile became a smirk as he began to laugh.

"You asshole, I almost fell for it, but I'm not gullible like you."

"Ouch, Abb's, that really hurts. Is that what you think of me? Just dumbass, gullible Cassidy?"

"Oh, shut up."

"So it is what you think. I guess I should just find a book, sit in the corner, and learn to read."

"You're such a smart ass. If i could picture a life without your dumb, gullible ass in it, I'd ship you off on the short bus and never see you again."

"Woah, you can't say that."

"Are you gonna cancel me?"

"No. But someone might."

"Oh fuck off!"

"Want that drink now?"

"Duh, dumbass," Abigail says with a wink.

"Okay then, club slut, what do you want? My guess is something cheap and fruity."

"Oh, big boy, do you want to play?"

"What do you even mean by that?"

"Alright, fuck it, you want to play. Let's play. Double shot of whiskey, no chaser. Oh, and since you are so kind enough to pay, top shelf, please?"

"Whatever you say, princess."

Abigail tried to think of a witty comeback but she couldn't mutter one before he smirked, winked, and dipped into the crowd and moved towards the crowded bar to grab their drinks.

It wasn't long into awaiting his return when someone (or someones) noticed her all alone, after she and Cassidy split from the rest of the group as soon as they got inside. This was a big, crowded place, and she stayed to wait for him to get back with the drinks instead of trying to find any of the rest of the group. This quickly proved to be a mistake as she was approached by an admittedly good looking couple.

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