Chapter 15

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Abigail awoke with her head pounding. As she lay in an unfamiliar bed, her eyes scanned the room. She could only think to herself, where am I? What kind of bad choices did I make last night? She barely had time to finish that thought when the door to the bathroom busted open and steam spilled into the room. Standing there in the doorway was the couple she had met at the club the night before. Then, the events of the night before hit her like a truck. She sank into herself as her heart seemingly only beat from memory and not will to live, broken again with the realization just as much as the events in the living moment. There was no time to do too much reflection on what had happened or the choices she had made before the male of the group had spoken up.

"Morning love. Sleep well, beautiful?"

"I uh, yeah. I slept alright, I guess."

"Darling, you look like a lost puppy. What's wrong?"

"I just, uh... This is really embarrassing, but I don't remember your names or exactly where I am."

"Love, no need to be embarrassed. After as fucked up as you were and the heartbreak you suffered, I'd be lucky to remember my own. I, my love, am Kip, and this absolute mess dripping of sex appeal is Penelope."

"You guys really helped me out. I was in a rough spot."

"Not a problem, love. A creature as stunning as you only deserves to be in a spot she wants, and that's exactly what you got."

"So we hooked up, then?"

"Lord no, dear. We didn't hook up. We fucked. Well, you and Penelope fucked for hours. Actually, it's amazing what the human body can push itself to do when it has cocaine in it."

"Wait, I did coke?"

"Well of course, love. You insisted."

"So like, you didn't touch me at all?"

"No, but I did watch. Excited me quite well. That's why I had to have this hellcat in the shower this morning."

"Did I not want you or something? I'm sorry, I really just don't fully remember. I must have been pretty fucked up."

"Ah yes, well, it must be confusing, saying I want you and not even getting a taste, despite the fact you did beg. It was honestly very sexy, seeing you just so needy, but Penelope and I have a sort of ritual. First, she has you. She rocks your world. She becomes ever so enticing until you need her again and again, almost like a drug. Then, we trade off and I do the same until you become hooked. Then, we both take you, and just one hit of that love drug and you, love, are ours forever. Then the life you had seemingly fades away until there is only us and your love for us."

"Seems like you're quite into this dom and sub type life."

"You could say that, yes. That must be why Penelope here hasn't spoken. She must quite enjoy her sub role. I say that, but she's actually ever the switch, aren't you, love?"

"Of course I am. I couldn't have put our dear Abbi here in her place otherwise."

Abigail felt a rush of heat rush over her. She couldn't tell why, but she liked what Penelope had said and the way she had said it made her alive. It turned her on. Much like Kip had said, she had noticed she couldn't take her eyes off of her. She wanted her. No, it confused her because she needed her and she needed her now, like a drug. She'd never felt this way for a woman before. Hell, she had never felt this strongly sexually about anyone before. As much as she tried to hide her feelings and thoughts, Kip was cunning. He had noticed her gaze since the very moment they walked out of the shower.

"Looks good in a towel, doesn't she? Seeing as you don't remember much from last night's events, maybe she should drop that towel so you can admire her full body."

He could see Abigail's eyes flutter at the thought and her hand ever so slightly moved to touch herself without hesitation, which she had never done before.

"Stop. If you want to see more of me or touch me again, you will listen to me."

Abigail was in shock. She felt compelled to listen, like a kid being good for the sake of getting a gift from Santa on Christmas, and she wanted this gift more than she wanted her own life. In this moment, a scary thought passed her mind when she realized she would give her life for it. And so, she did as she was told.

"Good girl. Very good girl."

Kip opened a drawer and handed a now naked Penelope a vile. He then sat down in a chair at the end of the bed as Penelope crawled ever so sensually up the bed and on top of Abigail. As she straddled her, she uncapped the vile and poured the substance on her index finger and placed it under Abigail's nostril.

"I, uh, don't know if I want to do that."

"Good girls do as they're told, Abbi. You're a good girl, aren't you?"

"But I'm scared."

"You want me, don't you? True love is giving yourself over to someone, mind, body, and soul."

"I need you."

"Then show me."

Abigail sniffed in the powder as if it were a physical love potion designed to take over her brain and make her dependent on her lover. Or, would it be her dealer? In some cases, these words are one in the same. But in all cases dependency, be it love or a drug, all roads lead to the same destination and that's the grave. With true love you're seen as equals. You're seen as a person, not just a vein for a needle or a body to be used as one sees fit. Unfortunately for Abigail, once the venom sets in, a life is hard to save. It takes a real act of selflessness and love to save the dying. In most cases, if not all, the only way to save a life is to give or take one. A hard lesson to learn, but one that must be learned to see that everything happens for a reason and that nothing goes without consequence, and that's if you even get out at all, or if you even want out.

Abigail, with the consummation, rolled her eyes back in her head in ecstasy, didn't seem to want out. In fact, she seemed to want to know just how far the rabbit hole goes. The venom was tracking through her veins quite fast and the clock was ticking fast. Time always seems to speed up when you're on the wicked fast track to your grave.

"Abbi, can you hear me?"


"Then repeat after me: I give myself to you, mind, body, and soul."

"I give myself to you, mind, body, and soul."

"Good girl. From now until I release you, you're now under my control to use in any way I see fit."

"Please use me. Please"

As Penelope removed what was left of her clothes and began to go down on her, there was no chance she could hear the foreboding line from Kip as he settled in to watch the action. Her moans on that one sent chills down most and the menacing implications were deafening.

"I told you we always get what we want."

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