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(Your POV)

Everything had been all I could ever dream of. I had a successful job, a house, friends and a boyfriend. But that was never meant to last.

I stood in disbelief after hearing the words that just came out of my bosses mouth. "What..." I said hoping he was joking. "You're fired Y/N." My boss says in a serious tone. I had worked as a (dream job) for 10 years now. But now I was loosing my job because I accidentally sent a co worker to a hospital when he startled me. My self defense instincts kicked in and I ended up breaking his nose. I walked out to my car and drove home.

"Hey babe how was work?" My boyfriend Jeff asks as I walk in the door. I had moved in with him a year ago and boy was it a mistake. I thought I had fallen in love with a man who had a job and was absolutely perfect but turns out all that was a lie. Turns out Jeff was an unemployed alcoholic who sat around doing nothing all the time. "I got fired." I say walking over to sit next to him only for him to stop me. "You were what?!" He screamed. "I got fired, why are you so upset?" I asked confused. "The only reason I wanted to date you was because of your money and job!!!" He yelled at me as I dodge an empty alcohol bottle he had thrown. As the week passed things only got worse and I decided to finally leave him. Unfortunately he demanded I give all my money to him or else he'd make me regret living. So I left with bags full of clothes and some of my other belongings. As I walked down through the streets a flyer caught my attention. It was an ad for a job at Oddworld. I immediately pulled out my phone and started dialing the number. It rang a couple times before a man's voice answered. "Hello?" He says confused. "I'm calling for the position at Oddworld." I say cheerfully. "Oh well then why don't you come on down and we'll start the interview." The man said in an excited tone. "Right now?" I ask. "Yep just take a right at the sign." Is the last thing he said before hanging up. I happily carried my bags with me as I walked to Oddworld, which was luckily not that far form where I just was. I walked down the path and finally reached the sign. I looked to see it looked like Oddworld was ahead but the guy had said to take a right at the sign so I listened. I soon approached what looked like an old kids play place. 'Huh I wonder what happened to this place.' I thought as I put the suitcases down outside the doors and went inside with my backpack still on my back. As I walked around the more I began to realize this place was actually in bad shape because it was abandoned. I had also had that nonstop feeling of being followed but everytime I'd look behind me there would be nothing there. "This is no use, I'll just go somewhere else. " I say sadly. But when I turned around I saw who or what was following me. There standing only a few feet away was giant blue creature with a button eye,a crown, and what looked like drool coming out of its mouth. I held back my scream as I saw it, unfortunately I couldn't stop my self when the creature began running after me at full speed. I ran and ran from the blue monster till I suddenly realized I had lost it. But it wasn't safe for long though. I suddenly heard a 'Squeak' come from behind me and I turned to see a giant green pool noodle with Googly Eye's, razor sharp teeth, and long green arm's that looked like they could grab someone who is halfway across the room. I prepared for the worst only to open my eyes and see that the creature was feeling around. 'Wait a second...is it blind?' I thought to myself before quickly but quietly sneaking away.
I soon found myself avoiding a small orange dinosaur and a purple vent monster. I ran into a room to hide from the creatures only to hear a voice from behind me. "So you did come." It said. I recognized it as the voice from the phone call. "Yes now can you please tell me what exactly those creatures are." I say turning to face the guy only to find he wasn't human. He had red skin,huge eyes and was dressed like a scientist. "Oh them, they are the Rainbow Friends." He says.

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