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(Purple's POV)

I watched how Red looks at Y/N and I can't help but feel like he genuinely cares for her. So I decided to confront him about this. Y/N had gone to visit Cyan and Yellow so now was the perfect time. I jumped out of the vents to Red's office/room startling him. "Ah Purple what the heck!" Red says annoyed. "I've seen how you look at Y/N so what gives?" I say crossing my arms. I see Red scratch the back of his neck before he answers me. "Ok I may have a crush on her." Red says sweating. "Please don't tell her." Red says anxiously. "Why not?" I ask giving a confused look. "Because what if she doesn't feel the same, after all I did turn her into a monster." He says rubbing his arm. I look at the expression on his face and can tell he is truly sorry about turning Y/N into a Rainbow Friend. "Well I suggest talking about this to Green." I say with a sigh. "He may be able to help you with this." I say remembering how Green helped me come up with the best way to confess to Orange. "He may be blind but hes got great relationship advice." I say as I begin to get back into the vents. "Thanks Purple." Red says making his eyes close like he does when hes basically smiling. I nod and return to the vents.  As I was hanging out in my favorite part of the vents I remembered that fateful day.


Me and my friends Barry, Gerald, Owen, and myself decided to explore this abandoned play place for for kids. As we stood outside of the play place Barry  spoke up."Are we sure this is a good  idea?" He asks with fear in his voice. I chuckle. "Awww are you scared." I say smirking at my scared friend who immediately tightened his grip on Gerald's hand. Gerald was blind so Barry volunteered to help guide him. "No I'm not scared just worried is all." Barry says scratching the back of his neck with his free hand. "Come on guys I don't know how much longer my snacks will last." Owen says munching on some chips. I look at him and sigh. "Then let's go on inside." I say cheerfully. I tried the door to find it was locked. "Dang it I guess we'll have to find another way in." I say scratching the back of my head. "He Paul look!" Owen says pointing to a vent entrance. "Good idea Owen." I say not noticing the tint of pink forming on Owen's face. Barry lifted me to the entrance and I crawled into the vents. Unfortunately I ended up getting lost in the vents before falling through a vent entrance and landing in a lab. I rubbed my head and looked up to see a pair of black shoes. Wait what! I immediately sat up and looked to see a scientist. "Hello there." He said in a voice I would come to know too well. That's all I remembered before being knocked out. I soon awoke to find me and my friends who had found a way inside when I never opened the door for them all tied up and knocked out. I soon realized I was also tied up. I heard footsteps and saw the scientist walk over to a machine that was in front of us all. I watch as he injected a blue liquid into a vile that was connected to the machine. "What are you going to do to us!" I shout startling him. "Oh I'm going to experiment on you of course." He says as give an evil smile. I felt my heart drop as I watched him grab Barry and drag him to the machine just  as he trapped Barry inside the machine he woke up. "What where am I what's going on!" Barry shouts scared. I watched as the scientist pulled a lever and the machine filled with a blueish gas. I watch as Barry coughed before I  watched in horror as he transformed into a blue monster. The doors open and he steps out. "What did you do to me!" He shouts waking up Gerald who was confused. "I made you into one of my finest creations." Says the scientist. I watch as Barry then passes out and is dragged away. The scientist then returns and repeats the same thing with my other friends. Gerald became a green pool noodle like creature while owen became some kind of small orange dinosaur. I felt tears run down my face as I watched Owen step out of the machine. Then it came to my turn I squirmed and fought but to no attempt was I able to escape. I was put into the machine and exposed to a purple gas. I screamed in agonizing pain as my body stretched and changed. I soon emerged from the machine and when I looked at my now purple hands all I could feel was rage. The scientist walked over to me about to knock me put when I turned around and pushed him into the machine. "Wait what are you doing!!!" He shouts from inside the machine. I just glared at him for a moment before looking around the room and seeing a vile of red liquid. I grabbed it a filled the vile with it. "No wait what are you doing!" He shouts as he sees me walk over to the lever. "Getting my revenge." I say as I pull the lever. I stood there and watched the machine fill up with a red gas and then watched as the scientist transformed into a red bug eyed creature. I watched as he stepped out of the machine and stared at his now red hands in terror. I didn't stay long after that I retreated to the vents right after he emerged. I could hear him crying as I crawled away from that part of the vent.

|End Of Flashback|

I sat there as I finished remembering that day. "He deserved to be turned into Red." I say to myself as I chuckle remembering his horrified face when I pulled that lever. We all eventually accepted our new lives as Rainbow Friends but I never liked it when Red turned did the same thing to poor Yellow and Cyan. I then made my way to Orange's lair to hang out with my boyfriend.

(Red's POV)

I decided to go find Green since Purple said he was the best Rainbow Friend to ask for advice. I was busy remembering the day I created the others and ended up being turned into Red by a vengeful Purple that I didn't see Y/N coming my way. Apparently she wasn't paying attention either and we both bumped into each other. She fell backwards as I fell forward. I rubbed my head and opened my eyes only to have my face heat up after noticing what position we were in. I looked down at her face to see it was a shade of red. I couldn't help but blush more at the fact she was aware of the position we were in. We started into each other's eyes for a moment before I jumped back. "I am so so sorry!!!" I say in a panicked voice. "Its ok I wasn't looking where I was going. " she says sitting up too. We sat there in an awkward silence before she said something. "Umm well I've got to go!" she says as she gets up and quickly walks away. I sat there for a moment thinking about how red her face was. 'Does she like me back?' I thought turning towards the direction she ran off in.

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