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(Y/N's POV)

Its been about a month since I've been living at the Rainbow Friends Play Place. I became closer to the Rainbow Friend's but I felt like I still didn't know enough about Red. Whenever I wasn't helping him do paperwork, he would just mysteriously disappear. 'I'll ask the others if they have an idea where Red could be hiding.' I thought as I nearly trip over one of Green's arms. I looked to see Green was sitting down by the stage in the theater. "Hey Green." I say as I sit next to him. "Oh hi Y/N." He says 'looking' over at me.  Green may be blind, but he has learned other ways to be able to know where people are by listening to which direction the persons voice is coming from. "Hey do you happen to know where Red goes when he's not in his office?" I ask him. "How would I know I'm blind remember..." Green answers, but I could tell was still hiding something. "I know but you have the best hearing out of all the Rainbow Friend's, so I thought maybe you could tell me if you heard anything." I say looking up at my googly eyed friend. "I'm sorry Y/N, but unfortunately I don't know anything about what Red does with his freetime." Green says with a bit of caution. I could tell he was lying, but I wasn't going to force it out of him, after all Green was one of the most caring Rainbow Friends, it would be cruel to try to force something out of him. "But I always hear how Purple is saying he's seen where Red disappears off to." Green says gaining my attention. "Then I'll go ask Purple thanks for your help Green." I say patting him on his shoulder before getting up and leaving.

I was surprised to find Purple hanging out with Orange. "Hey guys." I say walking into Orange's Hideout. "Oh hey Y/N." Orange says happily. Purple just waves at me. I noticed Purple looked a little sad so I went and sat down next to him. "Purple what's wrong?" I ask my vent dwelling friend. "It's nothing ok Y/N." Purple says with a sigh. I knew he was lying because Purple and I had become best friends during the time I've been here. "Purple I can tell you're lying." I say crossing my arms. He looks at me and sighs. "Fine, its just Red's been doing his experiments again and It just brings back bad memories for me." Purple says annoyed. 'Experiments?!' I thought confused. "Listen Y/N there's things you still don't know about us and it's best you don't know those things." Purple says putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked at Orange. "Purple's right Y/N, there's things you aren't going to be able to handle knowing." Orange says scratching his neck. 'What is so bad that they are so afraid to tell me about?' I thought to myself. I heard footsteps and the door to Orange's Hideout opening. We all looked to see Blue standing at the door. "Hey Blue what's going on?" I ask the big blue softie. "Well Red is asking for you Y/N, and he says it urgent." Blue says looking a bit uncomfortable. I went to get up only for purple to stop me. I looked at him confused. "Let me come with you, in case something happens." Purple says a bit pariond. "Ok you can come but just don't cause another argument between you and Red." I say as I help purple get up. As me and Purple approached the room Red had asked me to come to I was confused. "I didn't even know this part of the play place existed." I say looking at the unfamiliar hallway I was walking through. "Y/N that's because this isn't the place where anyone but Red is allowed." Purple says a bit scared. I looked at Purple with a worried expression. Suddenly we reached the room Red asked me to meet him in. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There was all sorts of machines and other things like lab equipment. I looked over at Purple to see he looked like he was about to have a panic attack. I rushed over to him to try and comfort him only for him to hug me. I had never seen Purple like this before, he was usually the best at hiding his fear. I hugged him back and heard him whisper something into my ear. My eye's widen at what he had said.

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