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(Y/Ns POV)

I couldn't believe what Purple just told me. Apparently the Rainbow Friend's all used to be human until Red turned them into what they are now. I didn't have time to process this information since Red walked into the room. "Purple what are you doing here?" Red asks Purple. "I..." he begins to say  "...was just making sure I wouldn't get lost on my way here!" I say cutting him off. "Oh well then thank you Purple." Red says as he walks over. "You can go now Purple." I say to my friend who gave me a worried look as he left. "So what did you want me for Red?" I ask nervously. If only I knew what he was going to do I would've made Purple stay.

(Red's POV)

I had been wanting to turn Y/N into a rainbow friend since day one but I didn't do it cause I wanted to see how she got along with the other Rainbow Friend's first. I decided today would be the day. "Remember how you wanted to know how the Rainbow Friend's came to be?" I ask her. She nods nervously. "Well you're about to find out." I say as I grab her hand and begin to drag her to a machine in the corner of the lab. "Red what are you doing..." she asks me concerned. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I'm sure you'll love your new body." I say putting her in the machine and closing the door locking her inside. "RED WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" Y/N shouts from inside the machine. I just ignored her cause it hurt me to be doing this to begin with. I activated the machine and could hear Y/N screaming in pain as her body transformed. I couldn't make myself look at the machine. 'Why am I doing this.' I thought to myself as tears begin running down my face. 'I'm sorry Y/N.' I thought looking towards the machine.

I watched as the door to the machine opened and a beautiful Rainbow Friend walked out. She was F/C and looked absolutely gorgeous. Suddenly she began to scream as she looked at her hands. "Red what did you do to me!?" She screams as tears begin to roll down her face. I could hear the fear and pain in her voice. "I'm sorry Y/N...I really am, I just thought you'd fit in better like this." I say as I walk over to her. She looks at me with tears pouring out of her eyes. I reached out and wiped the tears from her eyes. She stares at me for a moment before slapping my hand away from her. "Don't touch me!" She shouts as she begins to run out of the lab. I stood there and stared as she left before I fell to my knees and broke into tears.

(You can imagine her design however you want)

(Y/Ns POV)

I ran out of the lab crying. I couldn't believe Red actually turned me into a Rainbow Friend. I stopped in the hallway and leaned against a wall. I was now (shorter/taller) then before, had (fur/or no fur), and was F/C. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice.
"Y/N?"I looked up to see Purple standing in front of me. "Purple..." I say looking at my best friend. "I'm sorry Y/N, I was hoping he wouldn't do this to you." Purple says sitting down next to me. I wiped my tears and looked (up/down) at Purple. "I swear I will kill Red for th.." Purple begins to say before I stop him.  "I get you hate Red for what he did, but don't kill him ok." I tell him with a sad voice. "BUT HE TURNED YOU INTO A MONSTER LIKE THE REST OF US!!!" Purple shouts as he stands up. "Purple please I don't want anyone to die!" I shout at my friend. Purple stares at me before returning to the vents without saying a word. I looked back at the direction I came from. 'I better go apologize to Red.' I thought to myself as I began to walk back towards the lab.

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