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(Red's POV)

I stood there in silence as I was trying to decide whether to tell Y/N the truth about the Rainbow Friend's or not. "It's best for you to find that out another day Y/N."I say with a sad voice. I looked at her and could see the fear and confusion in her face. 'She's not ready for the truth.' I thought as I begin walking again. The rest of the walk to my office was quiet. Once we arrived to my office we started working on paperwork. I would glance over at her every so often. But whenever she'd look over at me I'd immediately return my attention to the paper in front of me. I finally decided to break the silence. "Y/N?." I say looking over at her. She looks at me with her E/C eyes. "Yeah?" She asks. I could feel my face warm up as I looked into her eyes, thank god it wasn't easy to notice due to my skin being red. "I wanted to know why you came here with your things." I say looking away from her. She sighs. "Well I moved out of my ex boyfriend's house and the jerk decided he would take all my money so I basically had nowhere to go." She says. "I literally had just started looking for a new place to stay when I saw that flyer." She continues. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, a beautiful woman like her having all that happen to her. "Well I'm sorry that happened to you." I say looking over at her again. "Yeah... besides Jeff wasn't the guy I thought he was when I fell in love with him." She says with a chuckle. I looked at her confused. "He was a lazy unemployed alcoholic who depended on me to do everything." She says a bit annoyed. "I'm surprised I even stayed with him as long as I did." She says with a sigh. I looked back at the papers on the desk in front of me and sighed. "How about we take a break, we have been working for a while." I say getting up from my chair. She looks at me and smiles before getting up from her seat. "Yeah I think I need to get something to eat anyway." She says stretching. We walked back to the theater to find everyone hanging out on the stage. Blue and Orange waved at us while Purple waved at Y/N and just glared at me. Y/N left to go get her some F/F so that left me with the other Rainbow Friends. I walked over and sat down next to Orange. "Hey Red." Blue says in his usual happy voice. "Wait Red's here?" Green asks confused. "Hey guys." I say ignoring the question from Green since it was normal for Green to not notice when someone walks into the room.  I could still feel Purple glaring at me. I looked at him. "Purple I'm not going to experiment on her." I say knowing why he was upset. "How do I know you're not going to Red!" Purple says annoyed. "She's the first human to actually treat us like normal people and I'm not going to let you turn her into one of your experiments." Purple says crossing his arms. I was really beginning to get annoyed with Purple now. "Guy's stop arguing!" Blue says annoyed. "Yeah it's getting old." Orange says. Purple was the only one who never forgave me for what I did and it caused me and him to argue a lot. Y/N walks into the room with a plate of F/F and Orange's food bowl. We all ended up hanging out for the rest of the night, except for Purple who decided to go back to the vents. Green ended up falling asleep so me Blue, Orange and Y/N decided to play (Favorite Card Game). Apparently Y/N was a pro at the game and won every game. We all ended up deciding to call it a night and went to our rooms. I walked into my office and took off my lab coat. I layed down on the bed I had in the corner of the room and went to sleep.

❤Red X Fem Reader❤ (Rainbow Friends)Where stories live. Discover now