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𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐯❦
"Some old wounds never truly heal and they bleed again at the slightest word. Even though they say that time heals all wounds, the scars are still there. I can't forget what happened. I can't forget how it felt"

The knock sounded throughout the long and seemingly endless halls. The sound of the boy's fist hitting the big wooden doors sent echolocation throughout the mass of the house.

The boy patiently waited in the dimly lit hallway, the only source of light was the sunlight shining through the black curtains of the window at the end of the hallway. The light so delicately reflected the darkness of the hall.

"Come in" came Sergio's gruff voice from behind the dark, wooden doors.

The small boy gently lifted a hand to the sliver knob of the door, twisting it softly and pushing the door open to reveal the dark room that was Sergio's study.

Sergio kept his head down, reading through his paperwork from behind his wooden desk.

The sun so desperately wanted to bring its joyful light into the room as it peeked behind the black curtains caging the warmth away.

Soft footsteps were heard as the small boy's feet padded into the room.

The boy stopped right in front of his Father's desk, smiling brightly at the man who paid him no mind. Matteo placed his hands behind his back and stood upright presenting his well-performed posture.

"Father" the boys' small prepubescent voice rang out.

Sergio finally lifted his gaze from the contracts in his hand to the boy standing a few feet away from him. Sergio wanted nothing more than for the boy to get out of his presence.

The small De Luca clears his throat and opens his mouth to speak. "I would like to inform you that I have completed all of the tasks you have given me"

Pride swelled in the boy's chest when he spoke. He had completed the long list of tasks perfectly within a short time range.

Sergio looked at the boy he wouldn't dare call his son with hatred. "You want a gold star? I could've completed those tasks with my eyes closed."

The boy's smile faltered as he stared ahead at his father. "But I" —

"I don't care what you did. I don't care how you did it. I don't care how well you think you did. You continue to disappoint me and expect me to care for anything you do. Well news flash boy, I don't give to fucks about you or what you've done." Sergio spits every word with venom and hatred.

Every word cut the small boy's heart more and more. Deeper and deeper.

"Do you understand me?"

The small De Luca tried to choke down his feelings as the words repeatedly rang in his mind.

All he could manage was a singular, weak nod of his head.

"Good. Now get the fuck out of my office" Sergio resided his voice to scare the small boy away and once he accomplished that he allowed a small smile of satisfaction to take place on his lips.

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