16|| Happy

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"You can't break what's already broken"

• Third person pov •

TW: child abuse and neglect

The small DeLuca was used to being punished.

He knew that he deserved to be punished for his bad deeds. But he never knew the consequences would be this grave.

Matteo and Simon had just snuck into Sergio's office to grab something they had needed for a project they were working on.

Sergio was on a trip to Spain to deal with his incompetent business partners. So they had believed all would be well, until Sergio came home just days later, seemingly calm and unaware of there secret.

"Can you too help me with something," Sergio called out.

Simon and Matteo both shared scared glances before masking it so Sergio wouldn't see when he turned the corner, facing them.

Matteo nodded his head and stood up to his small height.

Simon stood up as well, staring her uncle in his dead eyes. Being the oldest meant she had to be a role model. She pretended she was brave and fierce so Matteo would do the same. Deep down, she was terrified.

"Follow." Sergio demanded calmly and turned on his heel, hiding the sinister smile that crept into his face.

Matteo and Simon followed hesitantly behind, keeping their heads high in an act of bravery.

The small boys heart was pounding. Had his father known they had done something they shouldn't?

But how would he know?

Matteo swallowed down his fear and continued to follow until they reached the basement door.

Simons hands shook with anticipation. She was almost sixteen now and she had thought she seen everything, nothing prepared her for what was going to happen that night.

Sergio headed down the stairs first while the sixteen and fourteen year old follows behind. Each step becoming heavier.

Matteo grabs his older cousins arm, stopping her. "I don't wanna go down here." He whispered to her with prominent fear in his eyes.

Simon didn't want to go down there either but she knew running wouldn't be easy feat. She could probably get away but Sergio would never stop until he found Matteo.

He needed somebody to take his anger out on. He needed his outlet and without Matteo, he wouldn't have that.

"Everything is going to be fine. I'm right here," Simon whispered to her younger cousin. She had considered him her brother. She'd fight for him, she'd die for him, she'd lie for him.

He had become her most cherished friend. She loved him with every fiber in her body. He was the only person she'd truly loved and cared for.

Her heart broke every time she had to listen to his cries as his no good father beat on him for his sins.

She'd cry with him for hours until neither of the two could cry anymore. She'd held him until he fell asleep and his sobs would quiet allowing him to ease into peacefulness.

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