11||Lets strike a deal

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"Poetry in those eyes and all that beautiful madness tangled in her hair"-butterflies rising

• Matteo DeLuca •

I take back everything I said about my dick being dormant. It wasn't dormant, it just didn't find the right girl because now that it has, it stayed on alert at all times.

And I mean at all times.

That morning after Ace and I's conversation I woke up from the most explicit dream I've ever experienced but that wasn't all, what shocked me was the wet patch in my pink pj pants.

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom without anyone seeing me. I thought to myself 'Who the hell pisses themselves at seventeen years old?'

That was until I saw the clear-looking substance leisurely leaking from my tip. At first, I was mesmerized by the sight until I realized this shit wasn't going away.

So I did what most guys do. I took a cold shower and after a long shower session it was gone and I was finally back to normal.

That only held true until my next training session came around. Ace walked in wearing her normal attire- black leggings with a matching sports bra.

Something I've seen on her many times before but today, it bothered me. Out of respect, I didn't look but that didn't mean I didn't want to.

And trust me, I wanted to.

And my little friend wanted to as well. In fact, he jumped up at the sight. Leaving me to stand uncomfortably as I tried to focus on the task at hand.

But with Ace constantly smirking sexily and the fact her voice was extremely raspy and breathlessly quiet, I couldn't focus.

Like the hormonal mess that I was, I had to excuse myself to allow myself to calm down.

The amount of cold showers I've had these past two weeks is ridiculous.

"Matteo?" A raspy yet soothingly sweet voice cut through the air, snapping me from my explicit thoughts.

I clear my throat gently before responding. "Yes?" I can't bring myself to look into her eyes so instead I stare at her nose.

"Your staring" she commented with a smile in her voice. That smile catches my eyes, I stare at her perfectly plumped lips with the utmost interest.

Her smile only seems to grow, showing off her pearly white teeth and the small, gleaming tooth gems on her blunt fangs.

"Matteo?" I watch her lips contort as she speaks my name.


Then I snap out of it. "Sorry, what was that?" My voice comes out raspier than intended but I don't think she noticed.

"Are you okay?" She questioned wearily as she bent over, grabbing her water bottle.

Don't look. Don't look. Don't look.

"Yeah, w-why do you ask?" I responded tension racked up in my shoulders. I keep my face neutral and my tone flat.

"You've been acting weird lately," Ace commented. "You barely say anything, you just stare blankly." she points out.

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