15|| Forget

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"You will always be my father but I hope you know it's your fault that'll never know what that means"

• Ace Fontaine •

Buckle up cuz its abt to get smutty;)

The Hills —by The Weeknd

The car ride was mostly silent, the only conversation being when Matteo asked if I wanted him to drive to make up for my hospitality. Of course, I declined.

This was my choice. I wanted this.

He looked out the passenger window in silence looking as if he wanted to break down again. My heart clenched at the sight of him. I wanted to take his pain and keep it for myself.

My assumptions were proven correct when a lone tear rolled its way down his slightly flushed cheeks. His ringed hand immediately flies upward to wipe the single tear away.

Seeing him lying on the dirty floors of his father's office had to be the most heartbreaking moment in my entire existence.

He looked so fucking tired. His cheeks were stained with tears and blood. His chest was littered with burns and scratches. His abs slightly tensed up in pain.

In that moment I wanted to hurt anyone who's ever hurt him. I wanted to obliterate them all and make them suffer for all the time they had him suffering.

I reach over, placing my hand on his knee and squeezing lightly twice before removing my hand.

I can see him glance over at me with those broken, tear-filled eyes. The tears blocked those soft brown eyes that I so desperately wanted to see.

I turned my attention back towards the street as we pulled into the parking lot. I find my parking spot and gather my belongings before getting out.

Matteo followed swiftly behind as we walked into the building. He kept his head down and covered most of his face with his black hoodie.

We stepped in sync as we reached the elevators, I lifted my hand, pressing the button on the control panel.

Again we're enveloped in silence. I don't mind much though, I know he's in his head and probably doesn't want to talk after the day he's had.

But when the button dings I grab ahold of his hand gently pulling him along with me down the hallway until we find my apartment.

I stick the key in the hole and open the door, stepping inside. Matteo closes the door behind himself and glances over my apartment.

Taking in every detail of furniture through his curious eyes. "Zeus!" I call out to my baby.

I hear him bark and begins running down the hallway, coming to find me. As soon as he rounds the corner he spots me, driving his big body into my arms.

Licking my face and wagging his tail.

Then the big Doberman puppy spots Matteo standing a few feet away and immediately starts trotting towards him. He sits at his feet and waits for Matteo to lean down and pet him.

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