04|| grand tour

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"life owes us nothing. If we want something, we have to go after it ourselves."

•Ace Fontaine•

"We should get started" Sergios clears his throat snapping my attention from his handsome son. Sergio wasn't ugly, it was just his attitude and personality that made him ugly.

"Of course" I nod my head as we all make our way back to the long, wooden table in the center of the room.

I watch as Giana stands off the side instead of sitting down, my brows furrowing in confusion. "Sit" Sergio motions to the chair that his wife was once seated in.

I don't argue, I just make my way to the seat. Across from Matteo, who hasn't glanced at me since I shook his hand. I don't dwell on it though, I merely turn to face Sergio, who's already gaping at me.

"Would you like anything to drink?" Sergio asked and motioned to his wife, who was still standing up.

"No thanks," I declined politely.

He lets out a huff. "Giana get me some whiskey, neat" he demands before turning to the papers in front of him.

He slowly pushes the stack of papers to me. "This is everything you need to know about this job. Before you officially decide to work here you need to read through these documents"

"Okay," I started to skim the documents in front of me. Reading through all the terms and conditions. This wasn't a job that you just signed off on without a care in the world.

In this job you wanted to read through everything, making sure you are not agreeing to anything you wouldn't want to do. I take my time to read through the paperwork.

"It says here that I'll be working multiple days a week, how many days exactly?" I asked the older man sitting beside me.

He's sipping on the whiskey that Giana had given him when I wasn't paying attention. "You'll be working the days my son works" he replies curtly.

I roll my eyes at his stupidity. "What days are those?" I rephrase my question in a manner that a child would be able to understand.

Sergio pulls something out of his pocket and pours the unidentified item into his hand. I realize it's pills as I watch him choke it down.

Of course, he's a pill popper.

"Training is on Mondays and Thursdays. Meetings and missions are planned simultaneously to keep you all on your toes" he explains. "But since you are new to this, you'll be training with Matteo and a few others on the weekdays. The weekends you have off"

I process all the new information with a slow nod. "It also doesn't say anything about my pay" I commented.

"Right. I wanted to discuss your payment plan in person" he speaks as he snaps his fingers, Giana walks up and takes his empty glass of whiskey. "How much are your mother's medical bills?" He questioned me.

"Her treatments are very expensive around ten grand for her first surgery and it increases by two percent on her second one" As I speak I stare ahead at the boy who's listening in on the conversation.

He looks intrigued by the topic as he listens and observes closely.

"That's nothing" Sergio scoffed ignorantly.

"For someone who grew up poor that's a lot" I snap "But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? Leo practically handed you the Mafia"

His eyes narrowed ever so slightly telling me that I'd hit a nerve. Good.

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