07|| hangovers

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" I've always loved the idea of not being what people expect me to be"

• Ace Fontaine •

My eyes fluttered open exposing the room's bright and happy glow. Quickly I close my eyes as my head began to pound in protest.

"There's nothing worse than a morning hangover" a voice cuts through the air, scaring me upright in bed.

My head lets out an objection at the fast movements. I look around the room, assessing my surroundings.

Then I finally find where the voice came from. Evelyn was standing beside the bed, holding a few pills in her hand and a bottle of water.

"Eve?"I say in confusion.

"That's my name." She leans over, passing me the items in her hand. "Here, they'll make you feel better"

Slowly, I grab them out of her hands. Popping the two white pills in my mouth and chasing them down with the cold water. "Thank you," I say as I wipe a hand across my mouth.

"I left you some clothes over there for you to wear" Eve gestured to the pill of clothes seated at the edge of the king-sized bed.

"I suggest taking a shower because you reek of alcohol" she speaks as she walks over to the far corner of the room where a door leads to the bathroom.

She starts the shower for me as I slowly get out of bed. "Once you're done your welcome to join us for breakfast" she sends me a smile before vacating the room, closing the door softly.

I make my way into the bathroom, stripping out of my clothes. Slowly, I step into the warm water.

Allowing my body to relieve tension under the warm touch of the water gliding down my skin. Soaking everything in its path.

I run my hands through my curly hair, allowing the water to wet my scalp. Then, I begin to wash my body and hair thoroughly.

After I finish up I turn the water off and get out of the shower, drying my body with the towels that were left on the counter for me to use.

As I dress I try to remember anything from last night but it's completely blank.

Holy fuck, I was wasted.

When I got here I didn't plan on getting that drunk but then one thing lead to another and here we are. With a raging headache and the remembrance of my mama in the hospital.

I just wanted a distraction. Something to take my mind off of her sickness. And so, I got wasted.

I've already lost one parent, I didn't want to lose another.

The thought of losing another parent made me want to blow my fucking head off my shoulders. I wouldn't be able to bare the pain.

Losing Papa was hard as fuck. I remember crying until I couldn't breathe, feeling like it was all my fault. I remember trying to understand why someone would do this. Why someone would take away my papa?

No matter what anyone would say he was a good man, who cared and loved his family.

After I dress, I wash my face and brush my teeth. Using mouthwash and finishing off by flossing. I apply some deodorant and perfume before putting my long curly hair into an exceedingly messy bun.

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