01|| Meetings

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"Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections"

•Ace Fontaine•

My heels clinked and clanked against the metal floors as I walked down the long, narrow hallway. The nerves bubbled and built in my stomach as I came closer and closer. I wipe my sweaty palms against the material of my skirt.

I took a deep breath before placing my hand against the golden handle and twisting it slowly.

"Ms. Fontaine" the older man nodded, a silent signal for me to come in and sit down. I shut the door with my foot not wanting to take my eyes off the dangerous man sitting behind the wooden desk.

I take my seat and cross my legs sitting like a proper lady.

"Sergio," I replied with a small nod of my own.

"When my assistant told me you were moving to New York I was surprised, your father adored France, I didn't think you would ever leave," Sergio smirked slightly before returning to his blank and cold face.

"Well you know I wanted a change of scenery," I simply stated. I mean I wasn't technically lying, but with my father's passing I wasn't too enthusiastic about staying in the house he was murdered in.

"How is your mother handling the move," he asked with a small smirk on his rugged face. My gaze flickers over his face, the deep scar on his right cheek, the way his black hair is slicked back while a few grey hairs dance along in the mixture.

"Sergio, I didn't come here to exchange casualties. I came here because I need money," Sergio chuckles slightly before running a hand through his hair.

"You're precisely like your father you know that," Sergio speaks and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"He never cared for conversation either. It's a shame what happened to him," Sergio stares down at the white lines of powder on his desk.

I don't give in, I don't take the bait.

I simply blink up at him until he rolls his eyes and says, "Fine, your internship starts in two days" he converses before bringing a bottle of whiskey to his lips and taking a lengthy swig.

I nod before making a move to leave.

"Oh, and Ace," I turn around at the sound of Sergio's voice "Meet me at the training headquarters, tomorrow" He once again brings the bottle to his lips.

"I wouldn't miss it," I smile sweetly before turning away and walking out of the large, dark office.

Sergio was not one to mess with, he was dangerous and erratic. he's a sadist. He loves seeing people in pain and begging for him to ameliorate. In other words, he takes satisfaction in seeing you bow to him.

He's completely unhinged.

I wouldn't give him that satisfaction, I wouldn't allow him to see me as inadequate.

And so, I kept my head tall, not once displaying in once of emotion behind my cloudy gray eyes.

I turned the corner quickly while lost in my introspections causing me to bump into someone. The powerful smell of cherries and coffee hit my nostrils.

"Shit!" I murmured under my breath while looking down at my white suit that was now tainted in black coffee.

"Fuck, I'm so sorry" her raspy yet soft voice became now audible as I perked up at her complexion.

Holy shit, she's alluring.

First I took in her ensemble, she was modeling blue suit pants paired with a blue suit jacket that was only buttoned halfway to show her blue bralette underneath. The blue went well with her chocolate skin, and her hair was braided down her back and stopped at her ass. I now took in her strong facial features

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