17|| Papa

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"Your life was a bright light in a dark unforgiving world. And now I watch you shine in every morning sunrise and in every star in the night. You still brighten my world and every corner of this broken heart." -Sara rian

• Ace Fontaine •

Tw: gory details/ murder and smut


We all walk out to the parking lot. I with Matteo at my side and Evelyn with Zeek at hers.

My mood immediately soured at the phone call I had received. My mother had had a little scare at the hospital and they had called to make sure id knew.

My mother told me she was fine and that I didn't need to come but I insisted.

I didn't think Matteo would want to come with me. He, Evelyn, and Zeek could've stayed for longer and they could've dropped him off at my apartment.

I wouldn't have minded.

I knew he was enjoying himself and I feel like shit for messing up everyone's fun.

I said my goodbyes to my newfound friends and got into the car. Matteo followed suit behind and gradually shut the door.

We were completely encompassed in silence as I started the car and pulled out onto the busy street.

Matteo drummed his fingers against his muscular thigh as he stared out the window in blameless wonder.

The roads were busy in New York indicating it'd take longer to get to the hospital.

I sighed as the car came to a halt at the bright red light. "I'm sorry for pulling you away from our friends" I apologized unpretentiously.

Matteo turns his head quickly, his captivating brown locks changing positions with him.

"You didn't pull me away. I chose to be here," he answered softly.

My heart bypassed a beat and butterflies churned around my stomach. The words felt good to hear. I felt less like a nuisance.

Gradually a slight smile snaked its way onto my lips. "Thank you," I whispered gently.

Matteo nodded as a little gesture of gratitude. "So tell me about her."

My brows turned slightly downward. "Who?" I asked in confusion.

"Your mama, tell me about her."

I was momentarily flabbergasted. No one had ever asked me about my mama and genuinely cared for the response.

No one even acknowledged that she was alive. They all brushed her sickness off as if it meant nothing. As if she wasn't the love of my papa's life. He was. And he would've done anything for her. They were soulmates. Truly a love match.

"Well.." I cleared my throat and turned my attention back to the road. "She's kind and funny. She loves a good book, especially a romance novel. She hates bugs and she speaks three languages." I listed off intriguing facts that I knew off the top of my head.

Matteo hummed telling me to keep going.

I smiled and began to think about great memories I had like the time that Mama and Papa cleared their busy schedules every Saturday afternoon to have a family picnic at the park. Mama would spend the entire morning preparing the food for us. Papa canceled his very important business calls to have lunch with his two favorite girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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