09|| unconscious

492 9 4

" one of the happiest moments of life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change"

• Ace Fontaine •

This is a double update so your welcome.

"Fuck you, Zeek" Evelyn scowled at Zeek before walking off in annoyance.

I watch in confusion as I just walked through the door. "What did you do?" I ask Zeek as I set my stuff down on one of the benches.

"Why does everyone always assume that I did something?" Zeek speaks bitterly with a scoff.

"Because nine times out of ten you are doing something," I say truthfully. I begin to tie my hair into a ponytail and turn to face him.

"That's...true." He lets out a sigh.

"So, what happened?" I press.

"I don't understand your species" Zeek lets out.

My brows raise unintentionally as I listen to him speak. "Species?" I repeat.

"Yes, I don't know what Eve wants from me," he says. "One minute we're completely fine, having fun, joking around and the next she's telling me to put my dick in the garbage disposal."

"Oh. Well, are you doing or saying anything to make her respond with such violence?" I questioned as I bend over to get my plastic water bottle.

"I don't know. I didn't think my harmless jokes could make her turn into a sensitive little bi"—

"Don't finish that sentence." I cut him off firmly. "Making your taking the jokes too far. You should apologize for your ignorance. Maybe then you can come to an understanding?" I offer hopefully.

"You mean actually talk about my feelings?" Zeek snorts loudly. "No thanks, I'd rather stick my dick in the garbage disposal"

"And you wonder why she's always mad at you" I roll my eyes and turn away from him, getting ready to walk away.

"Wait." He speaks cautiously.

I turn around, facing him.

I raise my brows and cross my arms a silent sign to continue. "What should I say to her?" Zeek looks troubled.

"I can't tell you what to say but I can tell you that you need to listen to her. Try and understand what she's telling you. Be more mindful of her feelings." I pause. "What I'm saying is, be less of a dick"

He nods with a small grin. "Okay, I can do that"

I was about to respond but the sound of the door opening catches my attention.

Matteo enters slowly, looking unstable on his feet. His curly, brown hair is messy and out of place. His naturally tan skin is paler and clammy. He's dressed in a black shirt that's in desperate need of an ironing, and grey sweatpants.

"Holy fuck balls, you look like shit." Is the first thing Zeek says as Matteo slowly approaches.

"And you smell like shit" Matteo's voice comes out raspy and seemingly drained.

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