10|| Dormant

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"I was dying to hear someone say that I didn't need to try so hard to be perfect, that I was enough, and it was okay"

• Matteo DeLuca •

He never came.

He never showed up.

He never texted or showed a single ounce of concern. Merely because he doesn't care.

I was hospitalized and he never showed up. This shouldn't surprise me. He's done this time and time again. It shouldn't hurt me, in fact, I expected this from him.

I've been sitting in this hospital bed for twenty-four hours, waiting for my father to stroll through that damn door but he never did.

I really shouldn't be impacted by this and I try not to but deep down is a little boy who just wants his father to love him.

"Ready to go?" Evelyn raised a question softly as she eyed the look on my face, no doubt seeing the wave of sadness wash over me.

I nod.

Evelyn grabs my phone and charger, plus the additional bag of clothes that Simon brought me.

I wanted to thank her, for helping me. For being supportive. For being a good friend and person, but the words wouldn't come out. No matter how hard I tried to force the words out.

I didn't feel like talking.

"Simons waiting for you at home" Evelyn speaks up as we get into the royal blue car that I've grown familiar with.

"I don't want to go home" I whispered lowly, as if someone heard me I would crack.

"Okay, where do you want to go," Evelyn quipped with a soothing smile. She's always been good at apprehending my feelings.

"Anywhere but home" I responded after a few seconds.

"Okay. That's fine, you can stay with Zeek and me" she responds evenly before pulling out her phone and sending a message.

"Thank you"

"Don't mention it Tay Tay" she fools.

A diminutive smile takes its place on my lips. "Don't call me that" I roll my eyes playfully.

"I think it suits you" She lightly punches my forearm. "We should invite Ace and make it like a sleepover type thing" Evelyn proposes hopefully.

My body tensed unintentionally at the mention of her name. I'm embarrassed. Embarrassed that she had to see me like that. Embarrassed that she was the one to witness it all firsthand. "Okay," I replied lightly.

Evelyn smirks. "She's very pretty, yes?"

"Yeah, I guess" pretty is an understatement. Her beauty corresponded to no other but my pride wouldn't permit me to say that aloud.

"She's a good person too" Evelyn commented, eyes focused on the road.

My brows crease. "What are you getting at?" I ask, turning my head to look at her instead of out the window.

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