14|| Torture

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"I'm not a little boy anymore but I still chase the dreams of the father I could have had. Childhood memories are tainted by my tears and his rage and all these years later, he has yet to change. As I age, I've accepted that I will never have a good dad but the younger me still hopes and for that, I cannot forgive him"

•Third person POV•

Tw: mild gore and child abuse.

"No, please father," the young boy pleads, tears streaming down his soft, rosy cheeks.

"Silence!" The older DeLuca demands as he shoves the young boy forward, down the steps of the basement.

"Sergio, please don't do this" Giana pleads. The sound of her rushed footsteps receded behind them.

"I said silence!" Sergio whips his head around, glaring at his wife with no remorse. "I told the boy if he lied to me again there would be consequences,"

He says the word boy with some much distasteful energy that the young boy flinches unintentionally. Sergio catches on, tightening his hold on his son.

"Father, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I promise," the boy pleads. He stares up at his father with a hopeful look.

The boy thought that maybe one day his father would see that he was worthy and show him some love.

Sergio chuckles darkly at the apparent fear on the small boy's face. His cold heart warmed the slightest bit. Amusement flickers through his dead eyes before it vanishes into hatred.

Harshly, Sergio shoved the small boy onto the ground, causing his head to hit the concrete floor.

"I don't care for your pleas, boy" Sergio bends down to face his creation. "You are worthless to me. You are dead to me. You're nothing but a disappointment."

Sergio brings his lit cigarette to the small DeLuca's arm, causing him to scream and cry. He pleads repeatedly, but his pleas fall on deaf ears.

The small boy's eyes swell with warm tears, his chapped lips part in a silent sob.

Giana's heart breaks watching the poor boy be treated so poorly but her fear keeps her silent.

Sergio lifts the cigarette and places it on a different piece of skin, the smell of burning flesh in the air.

"Sergio, he's just a kid," Gianas voice shakes and chimes in. She never really dared to stand up to her husband considering what she's watched him do to others over the years.

Her heart pounding in her chest as she speaks, knowing that Sergio doesn't care much for sentiment. "He said he's sorry and that he wouldn't do it again, what more do you want from him?"

Sergio cast a glance in Giana's direction, shooting her a look of dark amusement. "I want him dead,"

Matteo DeLuca

Ace and I parted ways, each going to our cars. I speed off down the road trying to get to the training center before I receive a punishment from my father for not being on time.

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