Chapter 4: Losing Patience

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Chapter 4: Losing Patience

Thomas woke up hearing giggling next to his bed as he turned over and looked to find his sisters standing there with a tray of food. "What are you guys doing?" Thomas asked with a yawn. "Mum and Dad said to bring your brekky to you," Bluey said, placing the tray of food on her brother's bed. "Oh... Um... thanks," Thomas said as he sat up. "Can we get you anything else?" Bluey asked, hoping to help her brother. "Look guys, I'm not that helpless, I can eat breakfast with you guys," Thomas said looking at his sisters. "But dad wanted you to stay in bed," Bingo spoke up. "Oh he did huh?" Thomas said as he tried to get out of bed. "Should you be doing that?" Bluey asked as she and Bingo moved out of the way. "Come on, I want to eat in the dining room with everyone else," Thomas said as he grabbed the tray of food and started to head into the dining room. "But, you should be resting!" Bingo protested.

"A little exercise wouldn't hurt Bingo," Thomas said as he walked along. "Oh okay," Bingo said, worried for her brother. Bandit and Chilli were in the dining room eating breakfast until they saw Thomas walk into the dining room with his tray. "Mate! You should be resting," Bandit said, worried for his son. "I'm okay dad I promise," Thomas said, placing down his tray on the table. "We tried to tell him dad," Bluey said as she and Bingo sat at the table. "Are you sure honey? You're still recovering," Chilli said, looking at Thomas. "You guys worry too much," Thomas said as he started to eat his breakfast. Bandit and Chilli exchanged worried looks before they started eating breakfast. After breakfast Bandit grabbed his son's plate before he could get up. "Dad, I can do my own plate," Thomas said, trying to get up. "Nonsense son I can help you," Bandit said as he helped with the dishes. "Oh, okay;" Thomas said, sitting back down. Everyone went on to do their own things while Thomas sat there at the table.

Thomas sighed as he stood up from the table and went into the living room and watched some TV. A few hours passed and Thomas started to get bored with just watching TV. Thomas then looked at his phone and noticed he had a Therapy appointment in an hour. Thomas then turns off the TV and gets ready for his appointment. Still being sore Thomas moaned and groaned as he made his way down the stairs. "Are you ready for your appointment mate?" Bandit asked his son. "Yeah," Thomas said, grabbing his car keys. "No you don't," Bandit said, grabbing his son's keys. "Dad! I can drive myself," Thomas protested. "Your still recovering son, I can't let you drive yourself," Bandit said, putting his son's car keys in his pocket. Thomas grumbled under his breath as he went outside to his fathers car.

Bandit drove his son to Marcus's office and entered his appointment. "How are you feeling Thomas?" Marcus asked. "I feel like a child!" Thomas said, crossing his arms. "How so?" Marcus asked. "I'm sore! sure! But I don't need to be treated like a pup! I'm not a kid anymore!" Thomas said angrily. "You are still seventeen so technically you're still a kid," Marcus pointed out. "That's not the point! I can't even do my part in the dishes or drive myself anywhere!" Thomas explained. "I see, but you were shot just a few weeks ago," Marcus explained. "I know, and I know my family was scared of that," Thomas said, letting down his guard. "They are just trying to help you," Marcus said while writing down his notepad. "Yeah, I know," Thomas said with a sigh. "But?" Marcus asked. "I'm not the only one who needs help," Thomas spoke up. "You're talking about your uncle Rad aren't you?" Marcus asked. "Yeah... does he see you too?" Thomas asked. "He does... but I can't discuss what we talk about," Marcus said looking at Thomas. "Yeah... I understand," Thomas said, having an Idea about what they talk about anyways.

After the session was over, Thomas scheduled the next appointment and met his dad in the parking lot. "How was your appointment?" Bandit asked. "Good... can I drive now?" Thomas asked. "Nope," Bandit said as he started the car and drove. Thomas sighed as he sat back in his seat. The two Heelers then drove to the grocery store and picked up a few things for dinner. Thomas sighed as he walked along the store with his dad picking up vegetables. Thomas checked his social media and noticed Tori was having a good time with her college life. Thomas really wanted to text or call her about the things that happened to him but couldn't do it. "Are you okay mate?" Bandit asked, looking at his son. "Yeah... does uncle Rad talk to you about seeing Marcus?" Thomas asked. Bandit then stopped and looked at his son. "Did Marcus tell you he sees him?" Bandit asked. "I kind of guessed it," Thomas answered. "Well mate your uncle is a proud dog who doesn't like to be seen doing that stuff, I told him for years to talk to someone after Charlie and he wouldn't," Bandit explained.

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