Chapter 5: I'll Be Okay

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Chapter 5: I'll Be Okay

Thomas was on the couch at uncle Stripes with his drawing pad while Bluey and Bingo played with Muffin in her room. "Hey Mate," Stripe said as he sat down with his nephew. "Hey uncle Stripe," Thomas said while looking at his uncle. "How are you feeling?" Stripe asked. "Much better, I'm starting to not be so sore," Thomas answered. "That's great mate," Stripe said with a smile. Thomas smiled at his uncle and then continued with his drawing pad. "What are you working on mate?" Stripe asked. Thomas was just drawing cartoons and such, nothing too serious. "Just random stuff," Thomas answered before stopping. "Can I see?" Stripe asked. Thomas nodded as he gave Stripe his drawing pad. Stripe looked through Thomas's pad and looked at all the things Thomas has drawn. "These are great mate," Stripe said as he continued looking. Stripe then stops on page with a disturbing image of a dog wearing a ski mask.

"Um... mate," Stripe said, looking at his nephew. "Oh, sorry uncle Stripe, that's... not supposed to be in there," Thomas said, taking the pad and closing it. "Do you still have dreams about it?" Stripe asked. "I... yeah... sometimes," Thomas answered. "Hey it's okay mate, we can talk about it if you want to,"  Stripe said, placing his hand on his nephew's shoulder. Thomas thought about it for a second and then felt a shiver. Stripe still felt that shiver from his nephew as he kept his hand on his nephew. "Mate you can talk to me if you want," Stripe said, concerned about his nephew. "I know... but... it's hard..." Thomas said looking down from his uncle. "Well mate, if you need me you can talk to me," Stripe said with a soft smile. "I know, for the longest time you were the one I could talk to," Thomas said while taking a deep breath. "About the divorce?" Stripe asked Thomas nodded. "I remember those talks," Stripe said.


The doorbell rang as Thomas ran over to the door and answered it. "Uncle Stripe! Aunt Trixie!" Thomas said as he hugged his aunt and uncle. "Hey kiddo," Stripe said as he hugged his nephew. "Hey sweetie," Trixie said as she hugged her nephew. "Hey guys," Emily said as she walked into the living room. "Emily! How's my favorite sister in law?" Stripe asked. "I've been better," Emily said with a chuckle. "Hey mate, show me your new room," Stripe said, kneeling down to his nephew's level. "Okay," Thomas said as he took his uncle to his room. "Let's have a chat Em," Trixie said softly as she and Emily sat down in the kitchen. "You have a nice room mate," Stripe said while sitting down in the middle of the room. "Yeah, I like it," Thomas said before he gave a sly look and tackled his uncle. "I got you!" Thomas shouted. "Oh no!" Stripe screamed as he laid on his back. Thomas was laughing until he wasn't. "What's wrong mate?" Stripe asked.

Thomas then got off of his uncle and hugged his knees. "I miss dad," Thomas said looking away. "I know you do mate, it's only been a couple of months," Stripe said sitting up. "It's not fair uncle Stripe why did he have to leave? Why couldn't he just find work here," Thomas asked looking down. "Well mate, I don't think there was anything here he liked and if he stayed for work it may take him a lot longer to get what he wanted," Stripe explained.  "Oh... what does dad want to do?" Thomas asked, looking at his uncle. "He's always wanted to be an archaeologist," Stripe answered. "Oh what's that?" Thomas asked. "He digs up bones," Stripe said, laying back down on the floor.  Thomas  then cuddled up to his uncle and laid against his side. "How long are you and aunt Trixie staying?" Thomas asked as he hugged his knees. "For about a week," Stripe answered. "I wish it was longer," Thomas said, sitting against his uncle's fur. "I know mate I wish it was too," Stripe answered. Thomas then teared up and sniffed. "Hey mate, we're going to have fun while we're here," Stripe said sitting up. "You mean it?" Thomas asked. "Of course mate," Stripe said. "I wish dad was here to have fun too," Thomas said still with a sad look. "I know mate, he misses you a lot," Stripe said

"Have you seen him?" Thomas asked, looking at his uncle again. "Yeah, I've seen him a Couple of times," Stripe answered. "Does he talk about me?" Thomas asked. Stripe smiled at that, "all the time mate," Stripe said Thomas smiled knowing his father still loved him. "Uncle Stripe?" Thomas asked. "Yes mate?" Stripe asked. "Do you think my mom misses my dad?" Thomas asked. Stripe was surprised by this question. "Um... I'm not sure mate, have you asked her?" Stripe asked. "She doesn't like to talk about him... they used to talk about each other all time," Thomas said now with a sad face again. "Just give her some time mate," Stripe said, rubbing the top of his nephew's head. Thomas then jumped at his uncle and hugged him tightly. "What's this for?" Stripe asked. "Just so you don't forget me uncle Stripe,"  Thomas said, still hugging his uncle. "Mate I wouldn't ever forget you," Stripe said, hugging his nephew back. "You promise?" Thomas asked, looking at his uncle. "Of course mate, I love you and your aunt Trixie loves you," Stripe said with a smile.

"How are you holding up Em?" Trixie asked while looking at her sister in law. "Tired, Thomas still has night terrors about his dad leaving," Emily said while drinking her lemonade. "Have you talked to him about it?" Trixie asked. "Not as often as I should," Emily confessed. "Have you talked about him lately?" Trixie asked. "I try not to," Emily answered with a sad look. Trixie then placed her hand on Emily's. "It's going to get better over time," Trixie said with a soft smile. "What if I didn't do the right thing and I messed  up everything?" Emily asked. "I don't think you did, what you and Bandit had was something special and then that chapter ended," Trixie said softly. "I just hope I didn't make my son feel like he should hate me or his father," Emily said look away. "That won't happen, he loves you and he loves Bandit," Trixie said with a Reassuring smile. "Yeah, you're right," Emily said with a smile. "Shall we all get some grub," Stripe said while he and Thomas came into the room. "That sounds good," Emily said as she grabbed her purse and then the family was off to dinner.

Later that night after when everyone was asleep Stripe and Trixie slept in the guest room while Thomas and Emily slept in their bedrooms. Thomas was having a nightmare as he tossed and turned in his bed. "Dad!" Thomas shouted as he sat up in his bed. Thomas then teared up and cried to himself. Thomas then remembered his uncle Stripe was here at his house. Thomas then got off his bed and went to the guest room where his aunt and uncle were sleeping. Thomas went into their room and went to uncle Stripe's side. "Uncle Stripe," Thomas whispered as he shook his uncle. Stripe woke up in a daze with his eyes blurry he then saw his nephew. "Mate? What are you doing?" Stripe whispered. "I had a nightmare about dad," Thomas whispered. "Oh, don't you want to sleep with your mum?" Stripe asked. Thomas shook his head. "Can I sleep with you?" Thomas asked. "With me? Are you sure mate?" Stripe asked. Thomas nodded, "okay, come on," Stripe said as he Scooted over for his nephew to sleep next to him. Thomas turned over and snuggled against his uncle's chest just like he used to with his dad. "Good night uncle Stripe," Thomas whispered. "Good night mate," Stripe whispered back as the two of them went to sleep.

The next morning Emily was making coffee and breakfast as Trixie walked in the kitchen. "Good morning Em," Trixie said with a smile. "Morning Trixie, where's Stripe?" Emily asked while giving Trixie some coffee. "You have to see this," Trixie said as she took Emily's hand. Trixie then showed Emily to the guest room where they both saw Stripe and Thomas sleeping together. "Oh, Trixie I'm sorry I'll get him," Emily said about to wake up her son. "No, it's fine but look at them," Trixie said softly with a smile seeing her husband holding onto Thomas as if he was his own. "He's going to be a good father someday," Emily said with a smile. "Yeah," Trixie said as she and Emily watched Stripe and Thomas sleep.

(End of Flashback)

Thomas looked away from Stripe scared to tell him more about the robbery. "Talk to me mate," Stripe said, placing his hand on his nephew's shoulder. "I see him all the time," Thomas explained. "In my dreams... I think the worst of it is if I didn't make it or if uncle Rad didn't make it... it really scares me..." Thomas said, letting a tear  fall from his muzzle. Stripe then got closer to his nephew and hugged. "It's okay mate, it's over and you're safe," Stripe said while hugging his nephew. Thomas then broke down and hugged his uncle tightly. "Uncle Stripe?" Thomas said, still holding onto his uncle. "Yes mate?" Stripe asked. "I saw my mom," Thomas said, now breaking the hug. "What?" Stripe asked. "It was so real," Thømas said looking down. "Call it, like a near death experience, but I saw her and held her..." Thomas said while taking a deep breath.

"I think it's great that you saw her mate, and everything with Rad and the robber, you're safe mate and he's safe and alive because of you, he's not going anywhere," Stripe said as he hugged his nephew. "Thanks uncle Stripe, I think I'll be okay," Thomas said still hugging his uncle "you will be okay mate I promise, this whole family knows it too," Stripe added. Thomas nodded before breaking the hug. "Why don't you draw something happier?" Stripe suggested with a raised eyebrow.

Thomas nodded. "Yeah, sounds good," Thomas said with a light smile. "I'll go check on the girls and then how about we start up the grill?" Stripe asked with his tail wagging trying to make the situation better. "Yeah, I'd like that,"  Thomas said as he started drawing. Stripe nodded and then went to check on the girls who were in Muffin's room. Thomas started to draw his emotions and what he felt while seeing his mother just at brink of death, but this was something much happier. Thomas smiled while drawing his happy moment while being able to talk and hug his mother. "I'll be okay," Thomas said to himself while drawing.

Kodiwolf321 a/n: hey guy! This chapters are ahead of time but I just needed to add something and make this as perfect as possible for you guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter and what do you think? Will this robber get caught? And face justice? I guess we will have to find out! Anyways thanks for reading!

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