Chapter 14: Want That Too

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Chapter 14: Want That Too

Chili sat down in the sun, letting out a breath of relief. "He's a sweet kid chili, he really is," Brandy said, bringing it in some tea. "He is... Emily did a great job with him and raised him great." Chilli replied as she took the cup of tea from her older sister. "And you're doing great for the rest of the way," Brandy said, also taking a sip of her tea.

"Thank you, Brandy... I'm doing the best I can for not only her or Bandit, but for Thomas' sake. He's a good boy who's on his way to becoming a great man." Chilli replied with a light smile, "I've missed you, Brandy..." Brandy then sat down her tea and held her little sisters hand. "I miss you too, so much," Brandy said longer in the eye with tears. "It broke my heart seeing you with your family... I just... I want that, too..." Brandy explained.

"I know Brandy... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you..." Chilli replied as her eyes welled with tears, "You deserve to be happy too..." Brandy then hugged her sister tightly, letting her tears flow freely, letting go of the pain she's had for years. Chili hugged her back tightly, holding on to her fur before letting go.


Eleven year old Brandy and eight year old Chili were running through the back forest, laughing and having a great time. "Wait for me, Brandy!" Chilli called out to the red and cream Cattle Dog as they jumped over a fallen tree. "Come on, Chilli, keep up!" Brandy said, laughing while running. "I only got little legs!" Chilli replied as she saw Brandy run down to the creek.

Brandy chuckled as they came to the spot where their dad hid some snacks. "I wonder why Dad buried snacks out here?" Chilli asked they removed the board before the two pulled up the backpack. "Just in case we're hungry," Brandy said with a smile while wagging her tail. "Yeah, but... I mean, it's like he knew where to bury them." Chilli replied as Brandy handed her a bag of chips.

"He's dad! He knows everything!" Brandy said cheerfully. "... Hey Brandy?" Chilli asked as she opened her bag of corn chips before looking at her older sister. "Yes, chilli?" Brandy asked, turning her head to her little sister. "Do you think we'll always be sisters?" Chilli asked as she looked out towards the direction of the lake, where they're dad's friend, Maynard lived. "Of course we will!" Brandy said with a wink. "That's good..." Chilli replied, taking a bite of her corn chips, "You don't think Mum would be mad if I ate these?" She asked with a worried look.

"No, she won't be mad. As long she doesn't find out." Brandy waved her hand. "I won't tell, though. I promise!"
"Pinkie promise?" Chilli asked. Brandy chuckled, "Pinkie promise." She stuck out her pinkie, and the two interlocked their little fingers a moment before separating. The girls shared a laugh before finishing up. "You're the best sister I could ever have!" Chilli said with a smile as the two placed their trash back in the backpack so as not to litter. The two then walked back to their house seeing their father cutting wood while the smell of homemade stew was being made.

"Hi dad! Do you need any help?" Chilli asked as they approached. Mort dabbed his brow with a handkerchief and smiled. "Just finishing up, your mum wants to have a nice fire tonight, so i had to get a bit chopped up. It's supposed to be a chilly one." Mott explained. "Hey that's my name!" Chilli said with a giggle while wagging her tail.

"Hehe, sorry sweetheart. I meant that it's gonna be cold." Mort replied with a chuckle as he ruffled the top of his youngest daughter's head, "You know why I named you Chilli?" The old red furred cattle dog asked. "Why?" Chilli asked as she tilted her head to the side while looking at her father. "Because your mum was craving a bowl of my famous chilli when she was pregnant with you." Mort replied with a smile, "Then when you were born, you were as red as a Chili Pepper. That's when me and your mum decided to name you Chilli." Mort explained as he thought back to those memories of both his youngest and oldest daughters.

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