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chapter 3

present day (na'teya pov)

i ran into the forest, not far but far enough that i wasn't anywhere near my family tent. i couldn't breathe, my lungs felt tight and my body began to shake, i couldn't hold it in. i fell to my knees and tears began falling down my face.

i didn't want to believe my parents were dead, it wasn't fair. they were good people to the clan and eywa. i was praying this was dream, that i would wake up soon to my mothers cooking, eat together then go off with my brother and dad for the day then once we caught something for dinner we would all come home and i would make jewelry with my mother, then just before eclipse i would go and hangout with za'tary and ze'i.

but it wasn't a dream and my parents were dead, my life is never going to be the same again.

i couldn't go back to my tent, not knowing what was waiting for me there. i went further into the forest and went to my family hut. i hadn't been here in years and i never realised how much i missed this place. i went over to my parents shared hammock and laid down, drifting off to sleep.

when i was younger and got nightmares, i always went into my parents hammock and slept with them because i was to scared to sleep on my own. tonight i have no choice but to sleep alone.

i was woken up by the loud squawks
of the ikran. when i sat up from the hammock i was greeted by my brother and my clans tsahìk, taka'ri. i was quickly embraced by my brothers hug, once he let go last nights events came flooding back to me, causing the pit in my stomach to grow larger.

"na'teya, i wish to speak with you. meet me at home-base in an hour" taka'ri ordered

after she left my brother ty'wren sat down next to me placing his hand on my back attempting to comfort me. i knew i didn't have to say anything because ty'wren already knew, he would've been feeling the same way.

za'tary and ze'i came in a few minutes after taka'ri left to see how i was doing. i made eye contact with za'tary as she gave me sorrowful eyes. both za'tary and ze'i walked over bringing me in for a tight hug.

no words had to be exchanged to see that i was not okay.

"why don't we go for a ride on our ikrans" za'tary suggested

"uhh i don't know" i hesitated

"come on, it's better to be sad while flying than to be sad in your family hut" ze'i tried reasoning with me

i nodded and stood up walking out of my family hut calling for zuri. she landed on a nearby tree, i climbed onto her and made the bond.

we were flying through the clouds doing flips and spins while yelling out and laughing, i was beginning to feel better, however there was still something i needed to do before i went back to talk with taka'ri.

"hey guys, can we go to the spirit tree, i need to do something"

they both nod and follow me as i lead the way to the spirit tree.

when we arrived i quickly broke the bond and dismounted zuri, i walked over the the spirit tree connecting my queue to the spirit tree. i went through a spiral of colours, before seeing my vision.

start of vision -

im at a river, the river i grew up playing at with my parents and ty'wren. i begin walking forward and see two tall figures splashing water at two younger na'vi running around and giggling.

a wave of déjà vu hit me, i remember this moment. i remember my brother and i running around here swimming and splashing eachother. i don't want to make a noise, i just want enjoy this moment.

i step forward trying to get a better look but step on a twig which snaps loud enough for my parents to hear. they turn their heads to look at me, they don't jump or yell they just smile.

my father signals for me to come over

"oel ngati kameie (i see you) daughter" my mother says

i start tearing up "its all my fault you guys are dead, im so sorry i failed you, i dont deserve to be called your daughter, if i had checked behind me to see if i was being followed you would still be alive" i sobbed

"no my child do not blame yourself, there was nothing you could have done to save us, we do not blame you so you shall not blame yourself" my father comforted

i gave my parents a hug, i didn't want to let go. once i let go i would go back to reality.

my parents pulled away from the hug and nod signaling that its time to leave.

"no i cannot leave, i dont want to" i cried holding onto my parents

"you must" my mother reassured "we will always be right hear" my mother said while placing her hand on my heart

then it all goes black again

vision ended

once i disconnected from the spirit tree i just started crying, i couldn't believe that my parents were gone, everything happened so fast, one moment i was hunting for food for dinner and the the next moment my parents were dead on the floor of our family tent.

what if i had just came out from behind the tree and let them take me? or what if i had never went to go collect food at all? i had so many questions. however i was quickly shaken out of my thoughts by za'tary.

"we must get back, it almost time for your meeting" za'tary stated

i nodded as i made my way over to zuri who was playing around with za'tarys ikran, se'va. i swiftly climbed onto zuri and made tsaheylu before flying back to home-base. i landed in the main area where everyone was waiting for me, i break the bond with zuri and climb down. i stand before taka'ri and tar'key who was our olo'eyktan,

i look around and see the the clan was standing around us, watching what was happening. i looked around and saw a group of my other friends watching me walk towards taka'ri.

"may i ask what the purpose of this meeting is?"

she raised her head and looked down at me with pure disgust, "my mate and i have spoken and decided that you will be banished from the clan, you are to be gone by eclipse, you being here is putting the entire clan in danger. you already got your parents killed, we don't need anyone else dying for your mistakes" she spoke with anger in her voice

"what, where will i go? after all my parents have done for this clan you are going to banish me?" i yell

"how dare you speak to your tsahìk like this" she repiled

"im only a child, where am i meant to go?" i spoke

"it is not my problem but i suggest you get going quickly" she spat

"if she goes then so do i"

i turned around to see my brother behind me face red with anger

"if you wish" taka'ri replied

my brother scoffs "come on na'teya"

tears begin running down my face i turn and start walking towards ty'wren, he places a hand on my back, rubbing my back up and down giving me comfort.

"it's okay, i know a place we will go" ty'wren assured

in the last 12 hours, my parents have been murdered but the sky people and ive been banished from my home.

why was eywa doing this?

end of chapter 3

𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞 ⛤ 𝐥𝐨'𝐚𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now