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1 year later (3rd person)

it has been exactly a year since na'teya has died, her death wasn't easy for anyone. everyone that lost her felt something die inside of them the day she passed. she had that kind of effect on people.

jake and neytiri lost their daughter, even though she wasn't their biological daughter they still saw her as one, neteyam lost his partner in crime, kiri and tuk lost their big sister, and lo'ak oh lo'ak. he lost the love of his life, the one he wanted to start a family of his own with. he lost his na'teya.

over the year they travelled back and forth between the metkayina and omaticaya clan. more forest na'vi came with the sully family for safety. and over time lo'ak had found a friend in a girl, ta'li.

ta'li was a forest na'vi just like lo'ak, she often saw him sitting alone and offered to keep him company. he was cold to her at first but slowly opened up to her. lo'ak had promised to himself he would never be with another na'vi, as na'teya was the only women he loved. but sometimes you can't always keep your promise.

lo'ak had found comfort with ta'li, just like he did with na'teya. she was kind, strong and fiercely loyal to her people. he really liked ta'li but never believed he could love her the way he loved na'teya. lo'ak explained this to ta'li and gave her the chance to leave before they got into anything serious.

she just shook her head, she was willing to do anything to be with lo'ak. even if she meant that she would always be second place to na'teya.

she admired the way lo'ak was so loyal to na'teya, she didn't mind that he was still in love with her. of course this would annoy any other female na'vi and it is unusual that ta'li isn't bothered by this.

but she has her own secrets that nobody but lo'ak knew. ta'li also had someone she loved deeply but lost.

sure if you saw ta'li and lo'ak from a distance you would think they are just a normal young couple, but once you got to know them you would understand that wasn't the case.

they were just best friends who understood each other and their situations. they decided to date so they wouldn't have other na'vi hitting on them.

lo'ak pov

"hey ta'li do you fancy a late night walk?" i had interrupted ta'li talking to her friends which was rude but i was feeling low again and i needed someone to talk to. i wanted that someone to be na'teya so bad but it couldn't be.

"of course" ta'li says placing her hand on my forearm before turing around and saying goodnight to her friends, i didn't have to tell her where we were going she already knew.

we were silent the whole walk, until we arrived at our spot. our spot was some flat rocks on the edge of the island we had built a hammock so we can lay down together and watch the stars as we spoke. sometimes she would talk about the boy she loved, but that was very rare. most of the time we just spoke about na'teya.

it's funny, ta'li sometimes says that i speak of her so much that even she feels like she had known na'teya. "what is it you wanted to talk about, lo'ak?"

"i just miss her"

ta'li looks at me with sad eyes, "tell me about her"

"i already have, so many times"

she gives me a soft smile and looks up at me, "i know. but i love the way your eyes sparkle when you tell me about her"

i nod and hold her hand in mine, "thank you"

we climb into the hammock and ta'li rests her head onto my chest, i begin thinking of what to say and my eyes well up with tears as i begin to think of na'teya.

"i just couldn't get enough of her, she was my first love, my first everything. i finally felt loved in a way i never did before" my chest tightens as i begin trying to hold in my tears. ta'li notices this and looks up at me.

"it's okay to cry lo'ak, i understand your pain" she brings her hand to my cheek wiping away my tears, "let it hurt till it doesn't hurt anymore"

she brings our faces closer together and pressed our foreheads together. she begins speaking again in a soft, hush voice, "the body heals itself, so does the heart. learn to trust the process"

i pull our foreheads away from each other, "na'teya would've loved you ta'li, i have a feeling you two would've been good friends"

ta'li didn't respond but i could see the words meant a lot to her, she layed her head on my chest again and started drawing circles on my stomach till she fell asleep.

i will always miss na'teya and she will always be the girl i love, but i am still so grateful for ta'li. i don't know how i could've gotten over na'teyas death without ta'li, she understood me in a way nobody else did.

it was good to know ta'li would never push me to mate her or start a family with her, i don't know if im capable to do that. i've always wanted a family of my own and im sure one day i will start a family with ta'li just not yet. it feels disloyal.

𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞 ⛤ 𝐥𝐨'𝐚𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now