new beginning

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chapter 9

present day (na'teya pov)

i woke up to the sound of the alarm going off, i could hear people running past my hut towards the main area.

i quickly tied my hair into a loose bun with a few braid hanging out. i replaced my top from last night with a simple feather top the hangs off my neck, matching it with a green fabric loincloth.

i opened my flap and walked over to where everyone was gathering. ty'wren must already be somewhere in the crowd since he wasn't in the hut.

i push through the crowd, towards the front trying to get a better look at what all the commotion is about. i make my way to the front of the crowd and see jake sully holding a wounded na'vi, as i look closer i noticed the na'vi was not wounded but in fact dead.

i look up at jake who is looking at me with sorrowful eyes, "come here child"

i step forward to look at who he was holding, i had a terrible feeling in my stomach, scared about what i was about to discover.

the na'vi's face was cover in dirt and blood so it was hard to recognise until my gaze drifted down to his attire.

he had a long leather loincloth and a necklace with leaves woven into it. i recognised the necklace, it was ty'wren's necklace.

i swiftly wipe the dirt and blood off of the na'vi's face hoping what i was thinking was wrong.

unfortunately, my gut was correct.

i get filled with rage and guilt "pesu did fì'u (who did this)" i scream, looking around at the crowd of na'vi, however, they all either look away or towards the ground.

jake clears his throat before speaking, "the sky people" he says looking to the ground, "and i know i told you that it was safe here but the sky people's attacks are becoming more unexpected and frequent, not even our best warriors saw this coming, i'm sorry na'teya"

"we must attack, we must fight" i scream

"we cannot, its not worth it. far too many na'vi would die" he muttered

"i cannot believe you would utter such a heartless statement about my brother's life. how dare you?" i hiss, my voice laced with anger. "aren't you toruk makto, the mighty warrior i grew up learning about?"

"i'm sorry, na'teya, but one life is not worth war," he admitted.

i couldn't believe what i was hearing. "it's not just one life," i scoffed. "hundreds of na'vi have died from this war. you're just scared. you only care about your family, not the hundreds of na'vi you are killing in this war, including my parents. i've lost everything because of your stupid war," i hissed.

ney'tiri hissed back at me, but i wasn't backing down. "how dare you speak to the olo'eyktan like this? we have invited you into our home and treated you like one of us," she spoke.

"you better get your act together or you can leave as fast as you came," lo'ak retorted.

"yeah, get my brother killed and then kick me out. what a welcoming clan you are," i shouted.

but then jake stepped in. "na'teya, i get that you're angry. would you like to come help clean his body and decide where he will be buried?"

i took a deep breath and nodded. "i would like him buried back in the kekunan village where our parents were buried."

𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞 ⛤ 𝐥𝐨'𝐚𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now