more than friends

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chapter 15

present time (na'teyas pov)

i blinked my eyes open, the soft warmth of lo'ak's arms wrapped around my waist comforting and familiar. the memories of the night before flooded back as i watched his peaceful face, still lost in sleep. it felt like a dream, something we'd both wanted for so long. our relationship, always charged with tension and desire, had finally found its footing. the passion we shared was unlike anything i'd ever felt.

turning to him, i studied his features in the morning light – his lips, his nose, the freckles that adorned his skin. he looked even more breathtaking now. just as i was lost in his gaze, he stirred, his eyes meeting mine, that same intensity from last night lingering. "hey," he mumbled, his voice rough with sleep.

but our peace was short-lived. a loud knock on the door frame shattered the quiet, followed by jake's angry voice demanding to know where lo'ak had been all night. we quickly dressed, bracing ourselves to face his wrath. i lied, telling jake we had just hung out all day, both of us tired and falling asleep. somehow, he bought it, and the tension in the room eased.

after breakfast with the sully family, lo'ak and i made our way to the rock pools near the beach to meet our friends – kiri, neteyam, rotxo, tsireya, and ao'nung. we had plans to explore the coves. the sun beamed overhead as we swam in the clear blue waters and found hidden caves along the shoreline. eventually, lo'ak and i slipped away from the group when we stumbled upon a secluded cave.

the excitement of adventure filled the air as we stood before the hidden entrance, concealed behind a cascade of vines. it was our secret, a sanctuary away from the rest of the world.

lo'ak's eyes lit up with excitement, mirroring my own. he reached out, his hand enveloping mine, firm yet gentle. together, we stepped into the cave, the cool darkness enveloping us. the space was larger than it seemed, adorned with glowing crystals casting a soft, otherworldly light around us.

we spent what felt like hours exploring, our laughter bouncing off the walls. we discovered a small pool of crystal-clear water, perfectly reflecting the glowing crystals above. lo'ak playfully splashed me, and i retaliated, our playful banter filling the we settled down, our clothes damp and our hearts full, lo'ak pulled me closer. his arm wrapped around me, his warmth pushing away the cave's chill. we sat there, in a comfortable silence, our hearts beating in harmony, content in our secret haven. wrapped in the quiet embrace of our hidden sanctuary, lo'ak looked at me, his eyes filled with a mischievous glint. "so, na'teya, do you think my dad will ever find out about what really happened last night?"

i grinned back, playfully nudging him. "oh, i'm sure he suspects something. but he doesn't need to know every little secret, does he?" i teased, my voice dripping with mock innocence.

lo'ak chuckled, his fingers gently tracing patterns on my arm. "true. some secrets are just for us to keep." his smile was infectious, and i found myself laughing along with him.

leaning closer, i whispered, "speaking of secrets, what's the most daring thing you've ever done, lo'ak?"he pretended to think for a moment, his expression playful. "well, there was this one time i was at war raid and my dad told me to stay up and spot for any helicopters, but i flew down anyway and almost died. it was the coolest thing i have ever done, to say the least. how about you, na'teya? any daring adventures up your sleeve?"

i grinned back at him, feeling the warmth of his presence seeping into me. "hmm, once i swam with the thanators in the river, just to see how close i could get. it was risky, but totally worth it. they're fascinating creatures up close."lo'ak raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "you're braver than i thought, na'teya. i might have to watch my back around you."

𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞 ⛤ 𝐥𝐨'𝐚𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲Where stories live. Discover now