The Change(not a poem)

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We always want to change. This is because of two things, pride and might. We view everything that cannot change as lacking in power, and therefore change because we are prideful of the might of ourselves and fear that we may lose the ability to change if others change, and make us lose the ability to change. The second cause is might. All animals want to live and reproduce, and their lives consist of only those things. We live and reproduce far more easily, and so have the time and energy to pursue other things. We do so because there is nothing else to do.

However, if we are doing nothing but changing, then we are not changing the way we are changing, so we are not truly changing.

There is something within us that we do not want to be. We do not want to be it because we know we cannot change what happens after it, and therefore lose our ability to change, which hurts our pride.

Whenever we master something, we abandon it or change our focus to something else, because it cannot change in the path away from evil. Certainty is when we know, and therefore has an absence of change. Hence, whatever is evil will always be of a state that is both unchanging and certain. Think of hell, and how we know we will burn in it forever so there is nothing but absolute certainty, and how nothing change. 

Therefore, we want to change in the opposite direction of the unchanging and certain path, towards uncertainty. Because we are fearful we could fall to the evilness of the certain and unchanging path, we desire the truth to know the good, the opposite of the evil.

Therefore, we can never reach an ideal, unchanging state of good, and it would be changed in the face of a new 'good', as the good state would be unchanging and certain. Thus what we think is good changes. But our definition of evil does not have to change as much, as we have never reached and and rejected it. It only takes some characteristics of the past achieved good states.

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