Empire of Man

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Context: This is about the Isle of the Fell and Albonium's Empire of Mankind.

Thus dust settled, and there was a spirit,

He wondered what now, and said to he what,

I feel empty inside and incomplete. 

And so I will be the best creator

And this blank world, become perfection

He thought a perfect god, and thrust himself

To the Ideal, so he was unempty.


Thus he set himself on to the goal.

Many animals came, beauty flowers

Now, was this high air blessed and divine?

Was the Earth noble and pure, ridden of 

Ungood? But he felt still empty and yearned.

So he said to his heart, "This perfection

Is false, I must have something else, greater."

So he tried, once more, twice more, thousands more.


Then he made animal, Man. He was bored.

"Man, you are strong, I have mixed randomly, 

be something I know not." Thus then he spoke.

Then Man came into chaos, of nature.

The men were scattered and struggled to live,

One day, in a cold autumn, scavenging

A man asked the Bear what to-do: meaning.

And the Bear said, "Find food to last the cold,

 that is meaning." And the Bear left, and

 then men followed the Bear, called great and wise.

Yet then came a day of silence, of still,

Man came to the bear, and said, "Look, master!

I have invented a farm, I have food.

It is summer-time, winter is easy.

I know I will not starve, I have gathered.

Good Bear, what do I do now? I know not.

I feel empty. I want purpose, but where?"

The Bear spoke, "You are splendid, and I want

what you have. Why talk to me? Why should I?

I know nothing, I have never been there.

But for what you have, you should be happy."

But the men looked at themselves, and still thought,

"I am not happy, want to be greater! 

What will I do? I will ask someone else."


Then the men traveled far and wide, searching.

To the desert and the sheep, they were worn.

Then they saw the scuttling of small legs,

and there was a great colony of ants.

And Man said to the ant, "Ant! Answer me!

No one else has. What is meaning?"

The ants spoke, "Why, to spread everywhere!

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