Outline of a Speech Against the Nihilism of Corruption

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When one serves, when one places oneself below morality, it is hard to follow!

Hard to know right from wrong, and so is the chooser, always surrounded by choice and its burden.

The burdened man says, "It is too hard for me to do what is good! Always must I care about ethics, always must I care about virtue! Wouldn't it be better for me to ignore these things wholeheartedly? Then, I shall finally have not the burden of good, and can act as I wish!"

Thus speaks the man, and he becomes corrupt!

Such is the corrupt man, and his influence has spread over the world!

Now is a new age, and there are men who say, quote, "Men before me have spoken of souls and gods and angels. But now I have science, and they did not have science!"

He admires pridefulness and greediness, and speaks to the world, whom he calls degenerate,

"You believe that I shall be sent to hell for my evilness? But science says there is no hell.

"You believe that there is virtue? But science says that it is all in my mind!"

He is a vile fool, yet he thinks of himself as wise. He says,

"Thus is my axiom: whatever science cannot prove is useless! Forget philosophy, forget literature, forget poetry: Shakespeare was a pot-smoker."

If one were to meet this man, one would call him foolish! One must call him foolish!

He is wrong in every sense of the word! He is the one who says, "anything science cannot prove is useless." But how has science proved that art is useless, or compassion, or love? The only thing science can say is, "I cannot prove that! But I can prove the polarity of monoxide." Here he makes the error of mistaking the flaw of something for a strength.

For all of history has humanity known good and evil! If one rejects virtue, how can anyone take him seriously?

Once the prideful man was called a fool, for clearly he had no theory about right and wrong, but still mocked everyone else who did. But now he cannot be called a fool, for he is everywhere! There are too many of them.

Yes, in the world now, there are far too many of them! Far too many who say, "Virtue is stupidity, I can do whatever I want! Science says it is all subjective." They are all fools, but there are too few men to criticize them. They wish to cover the sky with darkness, and the light is fleeting.

Look at him! Look at the hordes of the nihilists. Fear them, for soon they will take the sight of everyone else away. They want to steal your lantern. Your lantern, of warmness, of kindness! Your lantern, of love and light! Your lantern of rightness and virtue, and all the good things in the world! Your lantern that lets you navigate past the uncertain darkness!

Yes, it is the horde who believes there is no virtue, who thinks that everything that is right or wrong is merely an opinion. They are those who wish to grab your lantern, and throw it to the ground, shattering it completely! The light will cease, and the fire of passion dies in your heart.

But what remains? Only what the nihilist loves, when he no longer loves the good. He thinks he can do whatever he wants. He loves greed, he loves lust, he loves that which has made him: corruption!

Here, I denounce those who are corrupt, who believe in nothing but doing what they want. But do not think that I denounce science! I am not one who is a flat-earther, who wishes to go backwards in history. I am not one who is against progress. Rather, I praise it, for it has solved many of the many problems in our lives. But I denounce those who forsake ethics and act only for themselves!

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