On the Flatness of the Earth

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You know all things are made of smaller things

Such is a body, divided into

Arms and Legs, and into the Skin and Blood

So it must be that all things are atoms

That which is small and indivisible.

I do not know if they are 'real' and true

Yet they are abstract, the universe or the self

For one never sees his face, and perhaps

 mirrors lie to him, that which could be true.

So this is the atom, the universe.


Atoms make objects, inside and outside

Nothing inside goes out without a hole

Thus universes's inside infinite

For there is no outside, and no hole there,

No great barrier at the edge! He shoots

an arrow into space, and it goes


So I say, and let it be known to all,

I proved the infinite universe

(or at least here, for others have by now)

And if the universe is infinite,

then it has no center, it's infinite.

A circle has a center, equal length

of the radius, and a city too,

But lengths are infinite everywhere

In this great vastness of the universe

The Sky

Let it be known, if anyone looks at

 The night sky, majestic and beautiful, 

The stars twinkle at the Earth, the moon beams,

Or the day sky, the sun shining at you,

It seems if the Earth is round, why, center

 Jewel, crown, and all orbits it like a King,

But can't be true, for there's no center,

Thus there it is what I have said before.

So then the Earth is not sphere, but flat, or

some other shape, not this that I can prove.

Up and Down

But it seems to me true, a flat Earth best,

Or perhaps one of infinite curves, hills,

So that the Earth, a giant mountain range,

Can make sense of the curvature of the 


But to disprove all other models now,

I know of up and down, right and left here,

All things wish to go down, to stand is life,

The wind is alive, as is the fire,

gods of the universe, some elements.

Dead men cannot stand, living men still can.

Tired animals rest and sit, while

Alert ones are upright and standing strong.

So many things are dead in the world here,

So many things are down in the world here,

So's the rarity of life and standing,

If the Earth were anything but flattened,

A sphere, a cylinder, a cube, look now,

Men would fall down to the abyss, and die

But you say that the world would fall as man?

But would not the men at the bottom fall 


Or at least things would fall in different speeds,

and it is clear that feathers fall slower

 than rocks, and things would not fall 'down' to Earth,

But the most inconsistent thing is that

which is of dropping objects at bottom

For they would levitate, falling at the

speed of the objects on the ground. It's strange,

that such an argument would be thought up

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