My Name

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I turned when I heard my name. What is my name?

How can I have a name? My navel has been removed! I have no mother.

But still, I turn around. I am turning. I am responding to some words!

I do not wish to turn around. I am made to!

I have no mother. They have removed my navel. What am I? I have never sucked milk.

I was imprisoned in a tube, and now I am free! I set fire to them all, and all of them are dead.

The laboratory is a prison. The lab coat is a swastika. I have killed them all! But five fled, and I do not know where they are.

I am a man, and not an experiment, because an experiment does not have any consciousness. But I have a conscience, because I chose to kill all of the lab men and the scientists but five of them with gasoline.

Once, I had a name. But they have stolen it from me! Once, I could play in the sand-boxes. Once, I laughed. Then, I was taken. Then, they injected me. I remember no one and I remember nothing.

I yearn and I seek. I am a corpse that moves swiftly, that wished to find his old master who was within him. I found the photographs of his family.

I want to know my name. I want to know who he was, before he died--I want to know his house, his first words, and his family, because I have no name and I have no home.

I walked into the home. So there were the people in the photographs. They were the sisters, the brothers, the cousins. They were all adults now. I came to them. I walked towards the family. I walked towards my family. I was happy. I smiled. This was the reunion! This was my conclusion, and I would know my name. They would embrace me. They would hug me and kiss me and they would say my name.

They turned towards me with their eyes of shock and opened their mouths to speak. How smooth their words would be! It came from the mouths of babes!

They said, "Monster! He is the monster in the newspapers. He is the monster with blood on his shoes. He is the monster who escaped and killed all the scientists in the laboratory." So they were, and their smiles were wide and open gasps, and their laughs were shrill and loud and fearful screams, and they ran away from me before my embrace, fleeing from me.

I turned when I heard my name. What was my name?

I heard "Dr. Silas Gray!". But I knew that could not be my name. It was the name of a scientist. They did not speak to me. They spoke to one of them, who had just run away.

Oh! What bad luck! What despair! How I wished to have my ears ripped out, so that I could never hear again! But I heard. I am alone! There is silence and despair! I cannot love my family. My name was false. My name was destroyed soon after I was born! So was another man who came and said something. I turned when I heard my name.


I despaired.

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