Michael Daniels. It was a name William Noel's knew very well. Each letter rolled off his tongue almost every day. He had practised saying the name every night in his room while getting dressed for bed. He knew that name better than his own. William Noel's- shut up, what a boring name- Michael Daniels is way better. Well, Will just preferred to call him Mike. Just Mike.
Will didn't know Mike very well besides the few things he learnt about him from music class. The Beatles was one of his biggest insperations and he often performed those songs in class whenever they played instruments for the day. He could play the guitar very well and knew almost everything about then instrument. His fingers moved so quickly across the fret board that Will could hardly keep up with him. That didn't matter much to Will, the one thing he really liked about Mike was the things he didn't know yet. Unfortunately, Will may never know these things.
Will and Mike have been in the same music class since first year. This year was their final year at school - their sixth year. College was awaiting them as soon as they were finished their exams and after college was what every boring adult had to do - a job. Will didn't know where exactly his future would take him, but he wasn't planning on college anyways. From the way Mike acted, Will guessed he would be going to a music college or something of that sort.They were in the same music room, sitting far away from each other. Will in the back with the 'popular kids' while Mike was with the music nerds - AKA where his only friends were. Will would die just to sit back there with them and be with people who took this subject seriously. He'd gladly sit on the floor just to be close to Mike.
Of course, he had to stutter, he always seemed to fuck up attendance in one way or another. It was possibly the most embarrassing part of school - attendance.. Whoever made it up deserved an award for being the biggest prick ever. Even for a popular boy like Will, it still made him stutter 'here'.
He could hear some of the class burst out laughing. Annoyingly, it echoed in his head as he groaned. Glancing over at Mike, he noticed he was one of the only people not laughing. Thank god. He was probably one of the only guys who didn't laugh at Will, even if he was funny which was often in Will's opinion.
Silence. All that could be heard was the clock ticking that told the wrong time. Normally, Will would stare at this, but right now he was watching Mike day dream.
"Michael Daniels?"
"Here, sorry."
He said it so casually, not even caring that he didn't even say 'here' earlier. It surprised Will how unworked-up he was. If that was Will, he would of gone red, but by looking over at Mike, he could see that he didn't seem embarrassed or anything at all!
The two of them fucked up on the role.. at least they weren't alone.
It was half ways through October, close to midterm. Everybody couldn't wait for the break from school.. well not Will and Mike. The two had many problems at home, most of them including their parents. Will always argued with his while Mike's parents were never around. He didn't have much of a troubled relationship with his parents. Let me rephrase that, Mike didn't have much of a relationship with his parents. He barely even knew his parents. His older sister practically raised him while his parents were off in America or England or even in Sweden for some fucked up reason! The last time he saw his parents was last April for his sister's birthday and it felt so strange. They're meant to be close, but they felt so far apart. It felt incredibly awkward, sitting down to have a family dinner. In no way possible would Mike call them his family. His band were his family. Well, that's how it felt most of the time.
Will constantly argued with his parents night and day. Ever since he started to play the guitar, his parents assumed that he was going to go down the drug addict rockstar route and die at the age of twenty seven. Occasionally when he came home from school, he would find his parents rummaging through his bedroom trying to find drugs or alcohol. He could legally drink now! He was eighteen!
Will and Mike were similar in many unseeable ways. They were both going to be rockstars if the world liked it or not. The world would be their's some day.

The Last Dance
RomanceWill and Mike are two sixth years in the same higher level music class, both equally good at the subject. Will is popular and a nervous introverted extrovert. He's also addicted to Mike in every way possible. Mike is an unpopular music nerd, who spe...