Will loved parties - he really did, but this party was something else. This party made him realize how bisexual he was. Laying back on Elton's couch, he watched everybody dance around him while slowly sipping beer. His eyes darted towards the girls dancing, the way they looked around the room trying to get their boyfriend's or crush's attention. Slipping away from them, his eyes focused on the boys in the room and Will felt a whole new kind of butterflies in his stomach. The boys weren't trying to get his attention, but Will wished they would. They danced with the girls in the room, knowing how to make the girl they wanted to dance with them. Will continued to watch everybody in the room, smirking to himself.
Out in the back, Mike was sitting down with Tori on a bench. A sketchbook was leaning against Mike's knee as he drew the garden, trying to get the beauty of Elton's garden onto a simple page. His pencil rubbed off the page, drawing the basic layout of the garden as Tori watched. A small smile was on her face as she watched Mike, but she felt jealous in a way. Will had his eyes on him. Not her as she so wished. She just had to put up with it, she supposed. It may hurt her, but she'd rather see Will smiling with Mike than running off from her. The sad thing was that Will felt as if he had no chance with Mike. He knew it by the way he just looked at him. His eyes were so full of love and lust, but a part of him kept telling him over and over again "I'll never have him". It was obvious to Tori that Will liked Mike, but Mike would probably never know. He was too focused on other things than Will, like art for example. Tori was part of the art club that Mike (and partly Will) had taken over. He was great at teaching art, Tori thought, he could do this as a career. Tori knew he had his mind on the band and becoming a famous rockstar with Will on his side. Anybody who knew Will and Mike on a personal level knew they were going to make it. Tori knew they were going to make it. They were going to be famous rockstars that may fall in love with each other and with the way things were going, Tori could see them getting together and making something out of their complicated relationship.
The drawing was slowly blossoming, the trees of the garden slowly forming on the page. Flowers decorated the edge of the page, some fully grown and others dead. His pencil started drawing a bird bath that was down in the grass of the garden. Tori looked up from the drawing to see a bird cleaning themselves in the bath. Flicking the water around them, it began to tweet loudly. Tori watched Mike's eyes glance around the garden before focusing on the bird. A frown appeared on his face.
"Will's favourite animal is a bird." Mike thought aloud, frowning.
"Oh." Tori said, not sure what else to say.
"He'd like to be a bird." Mike continued, happy somebody was listening to him. "Something about being free.. being able to 'fly' away from your problems."
"I guess he told you about his parents," Tori assumed, sighing.
"You can barely even call them parents." Mike laughed mockingly, aggressively stabbing the page of his sketchbook beside his drawing of the garden. "He told me about them.. the way they argue constantly and load so much pressure onto him. I feel so sorry for him, I really wish I could do something for him. Does he tell you much about them? You're his girlfriend after all.."
"We were never a couple, Mike." Tori clarified, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. "Just two friends that could of been something, but didn't-"
"But I saw ye kiss?" Mike replied, confused.
"On the cheek." Tori sighed, looking over at Mike. "We're great friends, but nothing more than that. He realized he was bisexual when we were making out once, and we haven't done anything like that since."
Staring down at his sketchbook, Mike exhaled and shook his head. Putting away his sketchbook, he looked down at the garden and watched a pair of birds cleaning each other in the bird bath. He felt Tori watching him, but he ignored her for now. His mind was spiralling out of control at the thought of William Noel's being single. They held hands in art. Mike didn't mean that in a romantic way, it was more of a "thank you for helping me teach these teenagers" way. It was platonic. 100%.

The Last Dance
RomantizmWill and Mike are two sixth years in the same higher level music class, both equally good at the subject. Will is popular and a nervous introverted extrovert. He's also addicted to Mike in every way possible. Mike is an unpopular music nerd, who spe...