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It's my first day at station 19, it's been 6 years since the Olympics and I've spent those years trying to find my purpose. Running has always been my thing until it wasn't, until I moved away from home. I realised that when my brother overdosed, that running and the attention on me was a root cause to what had happened.

The day he overdosed was the last time anyone I know has seen him. It's scary knowing he could be anywhere in the world, especially if he's still doing drugs. I don't know what's worse, him being a drug user or being dead because of it... that's a lie, we all know which one is worse.

I tried taking corporate jobs but they were so slow paced, working in an office was easy. It was so easy to just sit in a chair and type things all day long but one of my biggest issues was that for everything I worked on, nothing would come of it. With running, I would do my work and achieve something. But in an office, what you do means nothing, especially with the pay.

So, I looked into other jobs. I've always had an interest in "top" jobs, let me explain. I've always loved the idea of having a job people look up to, a job that's challenging but fulfilling. Becoming a doctor was too ambitious, I hardly have a GED. Paramedics could work but again you need to know a lot about a lot of things, and it just didn't hit the spot of what I thought I could do. It wasn't quick enough paced for me.

It wasn't until I was coming home from my office job that I saw firefighters helping evacuate people, they looked like real life heroes. They were constantly moving and following demands from a captain. It seemed like just the place for me, I'm good at following directions. Maybe that's because I've spent 6 years of my life intensively training for a medal I'm not entirely proud of; I've learnt to just do what I've been told and never question it.

Researching what is needed for firefighting gave me all the information I needed. The physical tests didn't look super hard since I've always kept myself extremely fit, even after leaving home. I do want to be ready for all the tests, I want the knowledge and that's where I started.

Today is my first day at Station 19, I've just finished my 3 months of intensive training and my six months of general education into fires, I want to be ready so I can prove myself to the team. It's the line-up and I can't wait to get stuck in.

Captain Pruitt Herrera starts to rattle off information about what to expect of this shift, including chores and which vehicle we are being placed in. I'm on the ladder truck for the shift, thankfully not the aid car. I'm with Vic and Travis who seem to be the comedy duo of the station. The only person I know here is Andy, we met at the academy and hated each other at first, I guess a small amount of hate is still present on this side. Although I'm aware that the Captain is her father, it irritates me that she's already known to the team and doesn't have any expectations laid out for her. Worse yet, I have been labelled the Probie but she hasn't, although it's officially our first day.

*Aid truck, ladder, and engine 19. House fire on South Milton Street*

With that announcement, we all run to our vehicles and rush to get inside. The rush of energy and endorphins are filling my body and I can't wait to prove myself to the team.


As we arrived at the scene, Captain Pruitt gave us our jobs.

"Bishop, Gibson search and rescue. Herrera and Montgomery on fire control, Hughes, and Warren on triage" Instantly everyone splits off. "I want everyone giving me updates"

Entering the house, we could see the fire started in the living room. It looks like someone forgot about a candle near some alcohol, rookie mistake if you ask me.

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