The End

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"So, would the wedding be boring?" Maya asked as we laid in bed in the early morning. We'd been talking nonstop about wedding planning; she's surprisingly been more into the whole planning than I have. A few days ago, I had expected her to show me a portfolio of her ideas, there's still time though. The one thing she had done was show me Pinterest boards of ideas, things she has compiled throughout or relationship. She'd asked if both of our brothers could walk us down the aisle, something I thought was a given in this situation. We'd discussed where to have the wedding; a map was rolled out and pins were placed all over the world. I don't know where Maya thinks we have the money.

"Why would our wedding me boring?" I ask her, confused by the random question.

"Well, weddings are boring. You normally have to sit through a really long ceremony and wait ages for cake or to be fed. Are we writing our own vows?" She thinks carefully about her words, maybe realising how uncomfortable our calm morning is turning into.

"We can make our wedding what we want it to be. If you want cake before the reception, I'm game" I say back, and her eyes lighten up.

"Okay so what flavour of cake? This is exciting!" She questions but exclaims suddenly as she sits up and opens her laptop.

"Is that all you wanted to know?" I question curiously.

"Yep, so I know you want an Italian twist throughout the wedding so what flavour can we have for the cake. I'd say coffee but you don't like the taste of coffee in things, it doesn't make sense" her excitement only grows as she pulls up various websites. As she scrolls, she opens her phone and takes notes of different phone numbers too.

"Right, I have work in half an hour. I'll try and call these different bakers so we can test flavours. We can try everything right? I can't wait to marry you" She shouts as she throws herself out of our bed, making me miss the heat she radiates.

"You don't want to call off work? We can stay in bed and call people" I suggest and one of her eyebrows raise as she questions herself.

"Us in bed during the day either means napping or sex, one always comes before the other" she points out the obvious.

"But isn't that more enjoyable?" I question her and she scoffs as she pulls her work pants up and buttons up her shirt.


Three weeks of planning on her part, she wouldn't let me do anything and I can't complain. I was very much her soundboard; I answered her questions and she put it into motion. She'd found the location, the food, the music, and the guests. She'd planned a day out for me to find a dress which was surprisingly very quick, she'd also bought a dress the same day... that was 3 days ago. Today, is the wedding.

"Are you ready?" her voice calls from behind me. Our friends who acted as bridesmaids had left my room about 10 minutes; they'd already walked down the aisle. I'd stayed frozen in my place, I'm overwhelmed. She'd invited 50 people and for some reason I felt like it there were thousands waiting for my arrival.

"Wait, why are you here? I was going to come out any second" I try to reassure her as I look out the window, facing away from her.

"Okay, you're overwhelmed. What is overwhelming you?" she questions, softly grabbing my hand to direct me to face her. She looks beautiful, breathtaking even.

"too many people" I say quietly, it's embarrassing that I have some random social anxiety.

"Okay, give me 5 minutes. I love you" she walked out of the room after giving me a kiss on my forehead, which caused me to see if her lipstick left a mark.


I knew Carina could be overwhelmed. She tends to hide her being such an introvert, she wanted a lot of people to experience our day of love. I questioned it but she wanted it. After speaking to her I announced to all of the guests that they can come to the reception, but the ceremony has changed to a more private one, everyone quickly left.

"Andrew, go get your sister and have her walk out. Tell her that I've sorted it" he nods as only our work family files back into the room. The music begins and my future wife walks out. She looks surprised to see the rows of chairs are now empty.

"Where is everyone?" She questions as she finally stands in front of me.

"Our wedding is what we want it to be. Too many people were overwhelming for both of us, I think. Now, let's get married and have all the cake we want" I whisper for the two of us to hear, she smiles brightly and within mere seconds our ceremony starts and ends. Two words were quickly uttered which sealed our future. "I do" had never been spoken so quickly.

Although, children will never be on our cards. We are happy, and we have a family that we love.


I lost the love for this show but felt like I needed to end it in a positive ending. 

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