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I've now officially been at Station 19 for about 6 months, that's half a year! I'm feeling a lot closer to the team. Andy has started dating Jack but they're hiding it from the captain, her father. It makes sense to hide it, especially as protocol states that you need to make it known that you are dating another firefighter for safety reasons. I've really been struggling with not ratting them out, of course I want them to be happy but not following protocol is starting to make my brain itchy.

Today I'm on Aid Car with Warren, he's probably one of the people I'm closest to since he's a bit of a father figure, he's just too kind. I think we're both hoping for a busy shift, the last two have been almost too quiet, to the point of getting maybe 1 or 2 calls per shift for any vehicle.

*Aid Car, Fremont Troll underpass – possible overdose*

As we set off on the drive we take both share a look, we both know that this is most likely a homeless person which normally makes the level of care we can give, a lot harder.


7 minutes later and we're hauling our first aid bags out of the back. The small walk until we're under the bridge showed how big the homeless community had grown here. Wary eyes were the biggest issue with wearing a uniform, uniform means police or connections to the police. But the fact that this overdose was called in, means that there is a certain level of trust towards us.

"Help!" We hear before a teenage girl runs towards us, taking my hand and pulling me towards a green tent. "He was fine but he hasn't woken up. I think he's still breathing" The girl says, looking at the patient and I realise it's Mason, it can't be him.

"Thank you for calling us, can you step away while we check him over and try to give me the necessary help" Ben asks the girl, she nods and moves a few steps back. A crowd of people surround us, watching what we're doing, making small comments about our techniques.

"We're going to have to take him to Grey Sloan" Ben says seriously while looking towards me, I'm aware I have tears in my eyes. This can't be him, maybe this is one of those moments where it's just a doppelgänger. Checking the wallet next to him, it's no doppelgänger.


At the hospital, we pulled Mason into a room. Ben made the move to leave but I couldn't leave the building, let alone the room.

"Maya are you coming?" He asked and I shook my head. I couldn't say any words, I couldn't believe that Mason was so close to me.

"I'm going to call Captain Pruitt. I don't think I can work today anymore" I say, Warren just nods before getting back into the aid car.

After a few rings, Captain answers.

"Bishop, why aren't you back yet? Warren has just arrived back but you aren't here"

"Sorry Captain. The patient we attended to is my brother." I reply, trying to hold back tears.

"Have the next two days off, we can get you more support if you need to. I hope he recovers well" Is all my captain says before hanging up.


By the time the call ended, Mason had already been attended to. They've done what they can and have given him a course of antirejection drugs which should hopefully flush the rest of the drugs out of his system.

"Bishop, what are you doing here? Aren't you working today?" Bailey says as she walks into the ER room that Mason is being held in.

"This is my brother; I've been given two days off" I reply while not taking my eyes off of the bed.

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