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It's been a full month of talking to Maya and she really captivates me. We've kissed a few times but that's about it. We always stop just before something further could happen, I'm in two minds about it. On one hand, it's quite a nice thing to leave sex out so we can get to know each other. And on the opposite, I mean come on I just want to get to the next level with her. It's not her fault entirely, she suggested we wait until our third date, which was a whole two weeks ago. And every time we've seen each other since, there's been an interruption. We've had calls from work, friends crying over relationships and needing to be consoled and our periods. Both of us don't mind having sex on periods, we both just don't like receiving pleasure during the time; we're all about giving.

Today is the first day that I think we could finally get to the next level, we're going to her apartment for a film day. Food and wine are all included, we're also cooking together. From what I've gathered from her cupboards of food, she really doesn't know how to cook. It pains me to see the boxes of pasta or the shop bought pasta sauces. We're definitely making everything from scratch. We've recently been talking about movies neither of us have seen had have compiled them together for us to watch. She got really upset about me not seeing any Mamma Mia films... but come on, how can you like a musical?

Getting ready to see her is such a ritual, an hour of emptying my closet to find something I like, but if I like it will she like it? It's just a whole thing. I'd ask Amelia or Teddy to ask but they're always busy with their children. I want to look hot, so I should wear Jeans... but do I want to wear Jeans all day while watching films? No!

"Babe, are you on your way?" Maya asks after I pick up her call.

"Hi Bella, I'm just getting in the car" I answer, we talk for a little while longer before I pull out of my garage.


"Hi beautiful" Maya exclaims as she opens her door for me. Her apartment is in the usual state of cleanliness, it's almost to hospital standard. Luckily it doesn't have that hospital smell we all hate; it actually smells like oak and citrus.

"Hi Bella" I reply, straight away hugging her. She always wraps her arms around my waist and I around her shoulders, we sort of just fit together like yin and yang. We don't move for what feels like minutes but I'm sure it was mere seconds; it feels right when we are together.

Pulling us apart, Maya asks me to go to her bedroom. With my earlier expectations, I think it was fair to say I was confused when she didn't follow behind. She planted herself on her sofa and waited for my return.

Opening the door to her bedroom, I can see some sweatpants and one of her station jumpers that I've worn before. Within seconds, I'm stripping. No matter what I would have chosen to wear here, I guess I would have been more comfortable than expected. I leave the bedroom and make my way back to the sofa, Maya smiles as I cuddle up to her. She's already loaded up the first movie of the day which is Love Actually, a Christmas classic. It seems it doesn't bother her to watch a Christmas movie before Halloween.

"I know it's Christmassy, but it was on the top of my list" She mutters, already reading my mind. I chuckle at the idea of her using her clipboard, not so surprisingly laying on the table in front of us.

As the movie goes on, I somehow end up between her legs. Not in the sexy way but more of a soft way. She's sitting behind me, her hands snaked around resting on my stomach. She keeps drawing soothing circles from my stomach to my hips and I think I could easily fall asleep. We're very quickly at the end, and I've been doing everything in my power to stay awake but I don't think I will last the whole day while being in this position. The credits are going and I'm struggling to keep my eyes open.


As predicted, the struggle was futile. I fell asleep just before the credits ended, waking up 2 hours later in the exact same position, my head only slightly turned to the right side. Only this time, I wake up to soft kisses being placed against the side of my head, I smile at the calmness that we both feel.

As soon as I'm coherent enough to speak, we get interrupted by a phone call.

"Hi Mase, everything okay?" Maya asks as soon as she recognises the number and picks up.

"Wow, okay... Let me know when... Yeah I'm so proud of you.... okay see you later" I couldn't hear Mason's side of the conversation but it sounds positive.

"Sorry, Mason was just calling to say that he has officially completed his program and can start thinking about leaving rehab." Maya says softly as she strokes my chin. I suspected Maya could be soft, but not this soft. Today is just different.

Maya breaks me out of my small trance by asking if I'm okay. I didn't even realise that I had stopped paying attention to the world around me.

"Yeah I'm good Bella. I was just thinking" I reply with a grin, she matches my smile straight away almost as a reflex.

"Do you want to share, beautiful?" She asks as I fully turn to face her, straddling her lap. Her hands move to hold my hips as we remain making eye contact.

"I don't really know what I was thinking. I just like spending time with you" I reply, Maya's eyes somehow get brighter, it overwhelms me with happiness knowing I cause that.

"I like spending time with you too" She replies after a few seconds of silent communication, just by using our eyes I feel like we could talk for hours. I lower myself to kiss her, instantly able to deepen it. The kiss continues to get more heated, this time neither of us doing anything to stop it. I feel Maya carefully move her hands from my hips down to my ass, cupping me lightly. But as I grab the sides of her face to bring her impossibly closer, she grabs me pulling my body flat against hers.

She abruptly stops the moment, spoiling what I was thinking was going to be our next step. She notices it, my damn Italian self and body language is calling me out.

"What's that face for?" She asks while confused. I sigh in response and sit up, already moving to sit away from her.

"Hey, where are you going? I was stopping to suggest we take this to my bedroom" she quickly rattles out in a worried tone. Grabbing her hand, I pull her up and kiss her deeply before signalling her to start taking me to her room.

"MAYA" I screech as I'm lifted into the air, I am positioned to such a way I could be draped over her shoulder like a towel. Somehow she's able to jog into her room and throw me on the bed. Finally!

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